Self esteem is the strong feeling about yourself and it is also an important part of parenting. The process starts at an early age in children. The child with high self esteem is able to deal with emotions, handles problem bravely, act independently, behaves ore responsible and proudly accepts new challenges. Parents can play a key role in developing self esteem in their child. Your child should feel special about himself and he should be loved unconditionally by parents.
Parents should encourage him for small actions also. If he commits some mistakes then never make him feel underestimate. You should praise your child for his responsible behavior. Make him aware about his own strengths. Here are some important facts that help in developing self confidence in your child.
Practice attachment parenting
An infant child gets more attention from his parents. His cries are replied very warmly every time. But it is true that same pattern cannot be followed for the life time. As he grows up it is necessary for him to become more responsible. He has to learn how to deal with healthy frustration. But parents are always there for their child. In some cases, child feels alone and he starts responding negatively. In that case, it is necessary to practice attachment parenting for a positive light.
Healing yourself confidence
First you have to heal yourself for developing self confidence in your child. If you are suffering from low esteem problem then don’t make it inherit in your child also. Try to improve your passed problem. If you think this is a part of parenting problem then you should make necessary changes in your parenting style. List down all points where you have to work. Try to improve your weak points. If you are facing any issue then you can consult with some professional also.
Parents are the idol for their children. Your happiness can reflects the confidence of your child. If you are worried then don’t show it before your child. Teach him how to deal with difficult emotions. Try to reduce your stress before they affect your child.
Be a positive mirror
Most of the preschoolers are strongly affected by their parents. They would like to share things with parents if you encourage them even for the unpleasing moments. Your negative response can change your child’s reaction very quickly. You should be like a positive mirror for your child. Make your child so much sensitive towards you that one day he will be the reason for your self confidence.
Spend enough time with your child for protecting him and developing self confidence in your child. There are various benefits of attachment parenting and it has also been proved by philosophical research.
Play with your Child
Make your child realizes that he is valuable for you. Spend enough time in playing meaningful games with your child. Preschoolers learn very quickly through interesting games. According to a research games also increases self worth. When your child wins the game he feels more confident. Be completely with your child. Sometimes your body and mind works in different direction. This reaction can affect your child behavior to a great extent.
If parents are workingthen they hardly get the time for their children. But spending time with your child is not a wrong investment. This investment is beneficial for both parents and children. Play is the best solution for spending meaningful time with your child. It makes your child more energetic and active.
Address your child with Name
Most of the parents address their child with nickname or first name only. But you should address your child with his complete name. Name is the identity for your child. He should be proud of his name. This training starts from home and everyone follows the same trend for your child. Also teach your child how to address others through their name. It would be better if your child is able to address adults through name when he needs help from others.
Practice the Carry - Over Principle
Identify the unique talents and natural interests of your child. You should encourage the interest of your child. According to a research, carry over principle boosts up the self image of a child. Don’t impose your career decision on your child. Support him in his decision for developing self confidence in your child. Ask him to join practical training courses and other programs for completing his dreams. It will improve his confidence and he would also respect his parents.
Set your Child up to Succeed
Protect your child from unrealistic expectations and at the same time don’t forget to push his talents. A healthy balance is required between both pushing and protecting. Make him realize that your love does not depend on his performance. It does not matter he wins or looses the game. You are always there for him. The most important thing is that your child should believe in himself. If he is not able to win the game then make him encourage for the future. You can also offer some reward for developing self confidence in your child.
After parents, the most influencing factors are relative and friends. Keep an eye on the friends of your child. His circle should be open and confident. They should encourage your child instead of making them underestimate. By monitoring the friend circle of your child you can escape him from bad stuff. Invite your child’s friends at home and monitor them carefully. If you don’t like the friend circle of your child then you can ask him to stay away from them.
Monitor school activities regularly
Children are quickly influenced by school activities. School exposure should be positive and confident. Ask your child to participate in school activities regularly. If you think current school is not able to provide confident exposure then change the recent school.
Assign more responsibilities to your child
Assign small tasks to your child for making him more responsible. Encourage him for completing the small tasks. It would increase his self confidence for future and he would become more responsible.