During pregnancy, you experience a number of changes and biological variations that are a result of the hormonal changes. Such changes are sometimes in favor of the developing child but at the same time cause some health issues for you. PGP or the pelvic girdle pain is one of them.
Pelvis and the Pain During Pregnancy
The pelvis comprises of a couple of hip bones which are connected at the rear portion to a bone which is wedge shaped and is called as sacrum. During pregnancy, the body generates a hormone which softens the pelvic section. This hormone is called relaxin and is helps the baby to easily pass all the way through pelvis at the time of birth.
Causes of Pelvic Girdle Pain
The process of softening up of the pelvic ligaments in combination with other changes that take place in body tend to create an extra pressure over the pelvic joints. In a normal condition the pelvis should remain in a stable or locked position when a person walks, stands up or lies down. A woman, who is suffering from pain in the pelvic joints, feels lack of comfort in these activities as they occur in combination of an unlocked as well as unstable pelvis.
This process results in acute pain. Around 50 percent of pregnant woman and about 25 percent of those who had earlier given birth to a child are susceptible to suffer from this problem.
This problem is characterized by a distinct pain which is usually concentrated on the hip area or buttocks. This pain eventually shifts from one side to the other an you may experience a pain in the front region of your joints of pelvis at the same time. You can also hear a short “clicking” sound which is caused when you move and the contact of bones takes place in the pelvic joint.
This can send some acute pain down your legs in the rear side as well as on your buttock area. This results in a problem in raising your leg especially when you are lying down.
What not to do in case of pelvic girdle pain?
You should make sure you prohibit some actions and habits in order to aid you during this pain. These include:
You should not be lying on your back as this would make the pain grow worse.
You should also avoid turning over on your bed. If you turn around a lot then this can lead to the creation of an extra pressure at the pelvic region and therefore in times of PGP, this can be very displeasing to you.
Walking as well as standing when you were initially sitting can also generate immense pressure near the pelvic joints.
In which stage of pregnancy does PGP happen?
The most probable period of occurrence of the PGP is the onset of 8th week of pregnancy. This may also occur a few days prior to the labor pain. The probable reason at such a late beginning of pain can be the movement of the baby towards the pelvis and in this condition its head approaches the area near the joints.
You would be made to exercise some postures that would hold the pelvis area in the rightmost manner.
You would also be given a support belt that is specially meant to hold together the pelvic bones and prevent them from accidental jerks.
Acupuncture is also looked as an interesting and effective way of treating this pain.
Aqua-natal classes which involve exercising regularly in water are also seen as an effective alternative when you want to strengthen your pelvic bones.