How big is your baby?
Your fetus is now 1.6 inches long, and it has got about a 1:1 head to body ratio. The baby in your 11th week of pregnancy weighs about .25 ounces.
Baby’s growth and development
Though you can't see or feel it, but your baby is moving fluidly and very gracefully in your womb. It has a transparent skin as of now but soon it will develop more into a baby. The fingers and toes aren't webbed anymore. It has also started developing tooth buds, nail beds as well as hair follicles.
How you may feel?
One of the most common things during pregnancy is that the mothers feel very tired. All they want to do is either sit or sleep. During this time there are high chances for the mother to gain weight and thus the pregnant women should do light exercises which do not affect the baby. These mild exercises would help them reduce their tension and keep them healthy and fit also.
Body changes
Though you are much relieved from the problem of morning sickness but the eleventh week backs you with a set of some other problems. At this stage you experience many physical changes owing to the weight gain and a slight protuberance in your abdominal region due to the enlargement of uterus and its sink in the pelvis. The hormonal changes also result in a much faster elongation of your nails and hairs.
An intake of healthy and balanced diet is must during the growth period of the baby as major organs are formed during the first three months of pregnancy. The three most inevitable components during pregnancy are iron, folic acid, and calcium. Besides this, you should consume food which are rich in minerals, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins etc and avoid junk foods and beverages. Avoid being food specific as well as skipping any meal of the day.
Common test in 11th week of pregnancy
The 10-12th week are the most apt to get the antenatal test to avoid any genetic defect followed by ultrasound. Blood test is another way to check for genetic problems as well as hemoglobin level in the blood. All the more pregnant women should take care of dental hygiene to avoid bleeding gums owing to hormonal changes and the increase in the amount of blood.
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