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Kuka Name Compatibility with PISCES

  • Meen
  • Mithun

Relationship Compability of Kuka with Mother as PISCES Compability are as Below.

Kuka and Kuka's mother are pretty open-minded, adaptable as well as flexible. They are receptive to others viewpoints and ideas. They are also changeable and inconsistent too. Kuka approaches to life's situations and problems in cerebral and rational manner, whereas Kuka's mother tend to rely more inner feelings and intuition. Kuka can often force Kuka's mother to discuss an issue but the efforts are always futile. Kuka's mother will not articulate the ideas in a convincing way which Kuka can do very easily. Also, Kuka's mother draws upon a level of intelligence and sensitivity which is quite deep, but difficult to be formulated clearly in words. Kuka is more of a factual type while Kuka's mother is a poet by heart. At times, Kuka can find Kuka's mother very ineffable and enigmatic.

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