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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning ''

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1151 Boy Abdussalaam Slave of the giver of peace
1152 Boy Abdussamad Slave of the eternal, the independent
1153 Boy Abdussami Slave of the all hearing
1154 Boy Abdussattar Slave of the one who conceals faults
1155 Boy Abdusshafi Slave of the healer
1156 Boy Abdusshahid Slave of the witness
1157 Boy Abdussubbooh Slave of the extremely pure
1158 Boy Abdus-sabour Servant of the patient
1159 Boy Abdus-sabour Servant of the patient
1160 Boy Abdus-salaam Servant of the source of peace
1161 Boy Abdus-samad Servant of the eternal
1162 Boy Abdus-sameei Servant of the all-hearing
1163 Boy Abdus-sameei Servant of the all-hearing
1164 Boy Abdus-shaheed Servant of the witness
1165 Boy Abdus-shaheed Servant of the witness
1166 Boy Abdus-shakur Servant of the appreciative
1167 Boy Abdus-shakur Servant of the appreciative
1168 Boy Abe Father of a multitude
1169 Boy Abed Worshipper
1170 Boy Abed Worshipper, adorer
1171 Girl Abed Worshiper
1172 Girl Abedin Worshiper
1173 Boy Abedin Worshippers
1174 Boy Abednego Artist, bible ref.:  daniel 3:19 – 26, survived th
1175 Girl Abeedah Worshipper, narrator of hadith, daughter of nabil
1176 Girl Abeedha Permanent
1177 Girl Abeer Fragrance
1178 Boy Abeer Colour, fragrance
1179 Girl Abeer Fragrance
1180 Boy Abeer Fragrance
1181 Girl Abeer Fragrance
1182 Girl Abeera The mixture of the smell of the petals of rose and
1183 Girl Abeerah Rose, sandal saffron mixed together in a fragrance
1184 Boy Abeesht Wanted, desired
1185 Boy Abel Breath
1186 Boy Abel Second son of adam and eve
1187 Boy Abell Herdsman
1188 Boy Aben Father of multitudes
1189 Girl Abeni Girl prayed for
1190 Girl Aberassithan Unbeatable, god
1191 Boy Aberassithan Unbeatable, god
1192 Boy Abesh Possession
1193 Boy Abey Father of a multitude
1194 Boy Abezag Pure, holy
1195 Girl Abh Now
1196 Girl Abha Lustre, shine, more or most beautiful, more splend
1197 Boy Abha Shining, luster, glorious, beauty
1198 Girl Abha Lustre, shine, more or most beautiful, more splend
1199 Girl Abha Lustrous beauty
1200 Boy Abhaas Awarness
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