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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning ''

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
3001 Boy Ahanmani Jewel of the day, the sun
3002 Girl Ahanna First ray of the sun
3003 Boy Ahannatha Lord of the day, the sun
3004 Boy Ahanpati Lord of the day, lord shivaand the sun
3005 Boy Ahanti Indestructible
3006 Girl Ahanti Gift
3007 Girl Ahanti Gift
3008 Boy Ahanyan He laughs
3009 Girl Ahar Activity
3010 Boy Ahar Defender
3011 Boy Ahara Tormentor, a manu
3012 Boy Aharah A smiling brother, a meadow of a sweet savor
3013 Boy Aharhel Another host, the last sorrow, a brother's sheep
3014 Boy Aharmani Jewel of the day, sun
3015 Boy Aharnish Day and night
3016 Boy Aharpati Lord of the day, another name for sun and shiva
3017 Girl Aharpati Heron
3018 Boy Aharpreet One who loves activity
3019 Boy Aharsh A great saint
3020 Boy Aharshi Sun
3021 Boy Aharshi A great saint
3022 Boy Aharsi Mirror
3023 Boy Ahasbai Trusting in me, a grown-up brother
3024 Boy Ahaskara Producing the day
3025 Boy Ahasuerus Prince, head, chief
3026 Girl Ahava Cherished one
3027 Girl Ahava Loved one
3028 Boy Ahavaniya To be offered as oblation, perpetual fire
3029 Boy Ahavaniym Add meaning
3030 Boy Ahaz One that takes or possesses.
3031 Boy Ahaziah Seizure, vision of the lord
3032 Boy Ahd Pledge, knowledge
3033 Girl Ahd Pledge, knowledge
3034 Girl Ahd Knowledge
3035 Boy Ahd Knowledge
3036 Girl Ahd Pledge, knowledge
3037 Boy Ahdas New, novel
3038 Boy Ahearn Heron
3039 Girl Ahearn Worldly, knowledgeable
3040 Boy Aheer A raag
3041 Boy Aheerbhairab A mixed raag
3042 Boy Ahel Cowboy
3043 Girl Aheli Pure
3044 Girl Aheli Grace
3045 Boy Ahem Throat clearing sound
3046 Boy Ahem Proud
3047 Boy Ahendra Add meaning
3048 Boy Ahernisha Add meaning
3049 Girl Ahi Heaven and earth conjoined
3050 Boy Ahi Fawn, serpent, cloud, water, sun
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