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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Bound'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1 Girl Aameya Vast, without bounds, immeasurable
2 Girl Ahisma No boundries
3 Girl Ajooni Infinite, not bound by birth or death
4 Girl Ajooni Infinite, not bound by birth or death
5 Girl Ajooni Infinite, not bound by birth or death
6 Boy Aksitoti One who abounds in unending wealth, lord indra
7 Boy Akupara Unbounded, free, the ocean
8 Girl Akupara Unbounded, free
9 Boy Ameet Boundless
10 Boy Ameet Boundless
11 Boy Ameya Immeasurable, boundless
12 Boy Ameya Boundless, magnanimous, immeasurable
13 Boy Ameya Vast, without bounds, immeasurable
14 Girl Ameya Boundless, devotional, devotion
15 Girl Amidi Boundless, magnanimous
16 Boy Amit Boundless, without limit, nobody can distroy, unst
17 Boy Amita Friend, truth, boundless
18 Boy Amitaabh Boundless lustre
19 Boy Amitabh One with boundless splendour
20 Boy Amitabh-amitaabh Unlimited, one with boundless splendour, boundless
21 Boy Amitabh;amitaabh Unlimited, one with boundless splendour, boundless
22 Boy Amith Infinite, immeasurable, boundless
23 Girl Amitha Limitless, boundless, unmeasureable, infinite, ete
24 Girl Amithi Boundlessness
25 Girl Amiti Without limit, boundless, divine
26 Girl Amiti Boundless
27 Boy Amitojas Of unbounded energy
28 Girl Ammeya Vast, without bounds, immeasurabl
29 Girl Ammya Vast, without bounds, immeasurabl
30 Girl Anantvir Boundlessly heroic
31 Girl Anantvir Boundlessly heroic
32 Boy Aneerudhh Boundless
33 Boy Anerudh Boundless
34 Boy Anirudh Boundless, lord vishnu
35 Girl Aparamitha Boundless
36 Boy Aparimit Unbounded
37 Girl Arupa Unbounded, divine
38 Boy Aseem Longer, boundless, limitless asim, defender, unlim
39 Boy Asheem Boundless
40 Girl Asiman Boundless,
41 Boy Asseem Boundless
42 Boy Attinder Limitless, bound-free
43 Boy Atulprasad Boundless blessings
44 Girl Avadhi Boundary
45 Girl Avadhi Boundary
46 Boy Ayuta Unbound, myriad
47 Girl Bandhini Bound
48 Boy Beant Boundless
49 Boy Beant Endless, boundless
50 Girl Becca Bound
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