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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'D'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
401 Boy Abasalom Son of king david
402 Boy Abbas The lord is my father
403 Boy Abbas Description of a lion, looking austere, lion, ster
404 Boy Abbas Description of a lion
405 Girl Abbra The exalted one
406 Boy Abbud Worshipper of allah, devoted, obedient
407 Girl Abby God is joy
408 Boy Abda Servant of god
409 Boy Abdeel A vapor, a cloud of god.
410 Girl Abdhija Born in sea, goddess lakshmi
411 Boy Abdias God’s servant
412 Boy Abdiel Servent of god
413 Boy Abdon Servant, cloud of judgment
414 Boy Abdul Knowledge
415 Boy Abdul Knowledge
416 Boy Abdul-hameed Servant of the praiseworthy, the ever-praised
417 Boy Abdul-jaleel Servant of the great, revered
418 Boy Abdul-latif Servant of the kind one
419 Boy Abdul-mutaalee Servant of the most exalted
420 Boy Abdul-qahhar Servant of the subduer, the almighty
421 Boy Abdul-rasheed Servant of the rightly guided
422 Boy Abdul-razaaq Servant of the maintainer, the provider
423 Boy Abdul-waajid Servant of the finder
424 Boy Abdullah Servant of allah, one who serves the god, servant
425 Boy Abdullah Servant of god
426 Boy Abdur-rauf Servant of the most kind (allah), slave of the com
427 Boy Abdus Name of the narrator of one of the hadith
428 Boy Abdussamad Slave of the eternal, the independent
429 Boy Abe Father of a multitude
430 Boy Abed Worshipper, adorer
431 Boy Abednego Artist, bible ref.:  daniel 3:19 – 26, survived th
432 Girl Abeedah Worshipper, narrator of hadith, daughter of nabil
433 Girl Abeera The mixture of the smell of the petals of rose and
434 Girl Abeerah Rose, sandal saffron mixed together in a fragrance
435 Boy Abeesht Wanted, desired
436 Boy Abel Second son of adam and eve
437 Boy Abell Herdsman
438 Boy Aben Father of multitudes
439 Girl Abeni Girl prayed for
440 Girl Aberassithan Unbeatable, god
441 Boy Aberassithan Unbeatable, god
442 Boy Abey Father of a multitude
443 Girl Abha Lustre, shine, more or most beautiful, more splend
444 Girl Abha Lustre, shine, more or most beautiful, more splend
445 Boy Abhaidev Free of fear, the protecting god, the god of prote
446 Boy Abhaijot Fearless guided by light
447 Boy Abhairaaj Fearless kingdom
448 Boy Abhaitek Having the fearless god support
449 Boy Abhaiveer Fearless and courageous
450 Boy Abhanja Add meaning
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