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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'E'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
2251 Girl Agamya Knowledge, wisdom
2252 Girl Aganagai Inner happiness
2253 Girl Aganagai A semiprecious stone, inner happiness
2254 Girl Aganaya Goddess of lakshmi
2255 Girl Aganee Fire
2256 Girl Aganee Fire
2257 Boy Aganit Countless, god
2258 Girl Aganit Countless
2259 Boy Aganith Countless
2260 Boy Agantuk Guest
2261 Boy Aganya Uncountable
2262 Girl Aganya Born from fire, goddess lakshmi
2263 Boy Agape Love
2264 Girl Agar A stranger, one that fears.
2265 Girl Agarthika Shine
2266 Boy Agarva Free from pride
2267 Boy Agastaya Name of a wise man
2268 Girl Agasthi A learned lady
2269 Girl Agasthya A name of a sage, a star
2270 Boy Agasthya A name of a sage
2271 Boy Agasthya Mountain thrower
2272 Boy Agasti Name of a sage
2273 Boy Agasti-agastya Name of a sage
2274 Boy Agasti;agastya Name of a sage
2275 Boy Agastya A patron saint of southern india
2276 Boy Agastya Name of a sage
2277 Boy Agastya Name of a wise man
2278 Girl Agastya Destroyer of sins
2279 Girl Agasya Name of a maharshi
2280 Girl Agata Kind, pure
2281 Boy Agathi One step ahead of all
2282 Boy Agathian A name of a sage
2283 Boy Agathiyan Name of a saint
2284 Girl Agathiyan Intelligent, brilliant
2285 Boy Agathiyan Name of a saint
2286 Boy Agavaha Borne by mountain
2287 Girl Agavoli Speechless
2288 Boy Agavoli Intelligent, brilliant
2289 Boy Agavoli Intelligent
2290 Boy Agee A valley, deepness.
2291 Girl Aggie Pure
2292 Boy Agha Pre-eminent
2293 Boy Agha Pre-eminent, master, owner, sinful, another name f
2294 Boy Aghad Vast, deep
2295 Boy Aghaghna Destroyer of sin, one who pious, virtuous, god vis
2296 Boy Aghama The moon
2297 Boy Aghamarshan Destroyer of sin
2298 Girl Aghanashini Destroyer of sins
2299 Boy Aghanashini Destroyer of sins
2300 Boy Agharna The moon
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