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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Gr'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
651 Boy Guramar Immortal by the grace of the guru
652 Boy Guramar Immortal by the grace of the guru
653 Boy Gurbakhsh Blessed with guru's grace
654 Boy Gurbakhsh Blessed with guru's grace
655 Boy Gurbakhsh Blessed with guru's grace
656 Boy Gurbakhsh Blessed with guru's grace
657 Boy Gurchandan Fragrance of guru
658 Boy Gurdaya One blessed with the guru's grace
659 Girl Gurdaya One blessed with the guru's grace
660 Boy Gurdaya One blessed with the guru's grace
661 Boy Gurdaya One blessed with the guru's grace
662 Boy Gurdaya One blessed with the guru's grace
663 Boy Gurdaya One blessed with the guru's grace
664 Boy Gurjant Guru's grace
665 Boy Gurkaram Blessed with guru's grace
666 Girl Gurmehek Fragrance of god
667 Boy Gurneesh Guru's grace
668 Boy Gurprasad Blessed with guru's grace
669 Boy Gursan Agree in anything
670 Boy Gurshan His banishment, the change of pilgrimage
671 Girl Gursheen Gracious gift of god.
672 Boy Gurtej Greatness of the guru
673 Girl Gurtej Grandeur of the guru
674 Boy Guruttam The greatest teacher
675 Boy Guruttam The greatest teacher
676 Boy Guruttam The greatest teacher
677 Boy Gurveen Guru's grace
678 Boy Gurwant Great guru
679 Girl Gurwinder Most gracious
680 Girl Gurwinder Most gracious
681 Boy Haamid Praising (god), grateful, from kikuyu
682 Boy Haashim Generosity, name of prophet mohammed's grandfather
683 Boy Haashim Generosity, prophet's grandfather
684 Girl Haashini Generosity, prophet’s grandfather
685 Boy Hadar Grandeur
686 Girl Hajna The daughter of nusayb, she was a poetess, graciou
687 Boy Hala Halo around the moon, plough, great, dazzling, swe
688 Girl Hala Halo around the moon, plough, girlfriend, great, d
689 Boy Halstead Manor grounds
690 Boy Hamel Home-lover's estate or hill with grass, scarred
691 Boy Hammam Chief, hero, great man
692 Boy Hampton Geography:a town in england
693 Girl Hana Happiness, flower, blossom, graceful, merciful, gr
694 Boy Hanan Gracious giver
695 Girl Hanan Full of grace
696 Boy Hanani My grace, my mercy.
697 Boy Hananiah Grace, mercy, gift of the lord.
698 Boy Hanes Banishment of grace
699 Girl Hania Grace, favour, apricot from nara, grain
700 Girl Haniah Bliss, happiness, pleasant, agreeable
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