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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Ins'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
1 Boy Aadrik Rising sun between mountains
2 Boy Aadrik Rising sun between mountains
3 Boy Aagyapal One who maintains obedience
4 Boy Aashutosh One who fulfills wishes instantly
5 Boy Aashutosh One who fulfills wishes instantly
6 Boy Abhisek Ritual or installed as a king, bathing of god
7 Boy Abhiseka Installed as king
8 Boy Abhisheka Installed as king
9 Girl Abhishikta Installed on a throne
10 Girl Absara Moves in the rains in the clouds, nymph
11 Boy Achlendra King of the mountains
12 Boy Acyutananda Insatiable bliss, one who never falls
13 Boy Adharsh Inspiration
14 Boy Adrigu One who goes to the mountains
15 Boy Adrij Belonging to the mountains
16 Boy Adrindra Lord of the mountains, the himalaya
17 Boy Adripathi Master of the mountains
18 Boy Adriraj The king of mountains
19 Boy Adrisa Lord of the mountains
20 Boy Agamjeet Who wins the god
21 Boy Agamjeet Who wins the god
22 Girl Agastya Destroyer of sins
23 Girl Agendra King of mountains
24 Boy Agendra King of mountains
25 Girl Aghanashini Destroyer of sins
26 Boy Aghanashini Destroyer of sins
27 Boy Agraha Request, insistence, pertinacity, desire
28 Boy Ajahni He who wins the struggle in african speaking count
29 Boy Ajana Instigator, lord brahma
30 Boy Ajanidha Treasure or ocean of instigation
31 Boy Ajendra King of mountains
32 Girl Ajendra King of mountains
33 Boy Ajendra King of mountains
34 Boy Alton It has many origins most meaning
35 Girl Amanjeet One who attains peace
36 Girl Amanjeet One who attains to peace
37 Girl Amanjeet One who attains to peace
38 Girl Amanjeet One who attains to peace
39 Boy Amanthu Sharp witted, not slow, one who takes decision ins
40 Girl Amanvita One who attains to peace
41 Girl Anandi A woman who always remains happy, joyful
42 Boy Anangada Who inspires love
43 Boy Angati One who maintains the sacred fire
44 Boy Anirdesh One of the namam from vinshu shahasranam
45 Boy Ankush An instrument used for
46 Girl Annan Goddess of grains
47 Girl Annapoorna Goddess of grains
48 Boy Antipas For all, or against all.
49 Girl Aparajita Insurmountable, unconquerable
50 Boy Aprajit Insurmountable, unconquerable
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