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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Name'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
51 Boy Abjayoni Born of the lotus, another name for brahma
52 Girl Aboil The name of a flower
53 Girl Aboil The name of a flower
54 Girl Aboil The name of a flower
55 Boy Acarya Teacher, another name for drona
56 Boy Acaryatanaya Son of the teacher, son of teacher, another name f
57 Boy Achalesvara God of the immovable, another name for shiva
58 Boy Acharya Teacher, another name for drona
59 Boy Acharyanandana Son of the teacher, another name for aswatthama
60 Boy Acharyasuta Son of the teacher, another name for aswatthama
61 Boy Achintya Release of tensions, inconceivable, a name of lord
62 Boy Achyut Imperishable, a name of vishnu, lord krishna
63 Boy Achyut Imperishable, a name of vishnu
64 Boy Achyut;achyuta Imperishable, indestructible, a name of vishnu
65 Boy Achyut;achyuta Imperishable, indestructible, a name of vishnu
66 Boy Achyutam Imperishable, a name of vishnu, similar to achyut
67 Girl Adah Adornment, ornament
68 Boy Addo Happy, ornament
69 Boy Adharv Name of ganesha, the first vedas
70 Boy Adharva Name of ganesha, the first vedas
71 Boy Adhav Sun's another name is adhav (adhavan)
72 Boy Adhiraiyan Name of lord shiva in tamil
73 Girl Adhirohan Name of a king
74 Boy Adhiyamaan Name of a king
75 Boy Adhrutha Another name of vishnu
76 Boy Adi Ornament, adornment
77 Girl Adie Ornament
78 Boy Adii Ornament, adornment, jewel
79 Boy Aditey Another name of the sun
80 Boy Aditeya Another name for the sun
81 Boy Aditeya Another name for the sun
82 Boy Aditeya Another name for the sun, son of 'aditi'
83 Boy Adiya God's ornament
84 Boy Adlai My witness, refuge of god, my ornament
85 Girl Adna Pleasure, delight, in the bible, name of two israe
86 Girl Adnan Proper name
87 Boy Adnan Name of god, proper name, good fortune, from kikuy
88 Boy Adnan Proper name
89 Girl Adrinandini Of the mountain, another name for parvathi
90 Girl Adrisuta Of the mountain, another name for parvathi
91 Girl Adritanaya Of the mountain, another name for parvathi
92 Girl Afifah Chaste, pure, another name for hazrat fatimah zahr
93 Boy Agastaya Name of a wise man
94 Boy Agasthya A name of a sage
95 Girl Agasthya A name of a sage, a star
96 Boy Agasti Name of a sage
97 Boy Agasti-agastya Name of a sage
98 Boy Agasti;agastya Name of a sage
99 Boy Agastya Name of a sage
100 Boy Agastya Name of a wise man
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