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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'One'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
2201 Girl Madhvija Born of honey
2202 Boy Madurai Krishna, one who killed demon madhu
2203 Girl Magda High tower one who is elevated
2204 Boy Magruder Watchful one
2205 Boy Mahadeo One of the lord shiva's name, god of all dev
2206 Boy Mahaishi One of the seven rishi (saptrishi)
2207 Boy Mahamati One with big brain, ganesh
2208 Boy Mahamati One with big brain ( ganesh )
2209 Boy Mahan The great one
2210 Girl Mahanya One who save the world
2211 Boy Mahashaktimaya One who has boundless energies
2212 Girl Mahfuzah The protected one
2213 Boy Mahiraj One who rules the world
2214 Girl Mahiya Lover, someone whom you love, joy
2215 Boy Mahmood Praised one, praiseworthy, the prophet of islam
2216 Boy Mahmood-mahmoud-mahmud Praised one, praiseworthy, the prophet of islam
2217 Boy Mahmud-mahmoud The praised one, variation of the name "muhammad"
2218 Girl Mahodari One who has huge belly which stores the universe
2219 Girl Mahta One resembling the moon
2220 Boy Maisan Stoneworker
2221 Girl Majaal Worthy one
2222 Girl Majaal Worthy one
2223 Boy Major Big one
2224 Boy Makarand Honey bee, pollen
2225 Boy Makrand Honey
2226 Girl Makshi Honeybee
2227 Girl Makshita Honey
2228 Girl Mala Bad one, meeting hall, necklace, garland, row, lin
2229 Girl Mala Bad one, meeting hall, necklace, garland, row, lin
2230 Boy Malaiarasan Honey
2231 Boy Malav Happy, one of the ragas, ansh of laxmi
2232 Girl Malavika One who lived in malva
2233 Girl Malina Tower, dark, name of a river, honey, raspberry, wo
2234 Boy Mallesha One of shiva name
2235 Girl Malvika One who lived in malva
2236 Girl Malvika One who lived in malva
2237 Boy Mamdouh One who is commended, praised, glorified
2238 Boy Manajith One who conquered the mind
2239 Boy Manajith One who conquered the mind
2240 Boy Manajith One who conquered the mind
2241 Girl Manavi The one who fights for peace
2242 Boy Manchet One who remembers god
2243 Girl Mandhodari Wife of ravana, one who can digest secrets
2244 Boy Maneet One who wins heart
2245 Boy Maneet One who wins heart
2246 Boy Maneet One who wins heart
2247 Girl Maniprabha Money
2248 Boy Manickam A jem, one in nav rathna jems, lord krishna
2249 Girl Manideepa A lamp of precious stones
2250 Boy Manidra Precious stone which gives a lot of happiness and
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