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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'One'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
3251 Boy Satjeevan The one living the truthful life
3252 Girl Satjeevan The one living the truthful life
3253 Girl Satjeevan The one living the truthful life
3254 Boy Satjeevan The one living the truthful life
3255 Boy Satjeevan The one living the truthful life
3256 Boy Satjeevan The one living the truthful life
3257 Girl Satkeerat One who praises the true one
3258 Boy Satkeerat One who praises the true one
3259 Girl Satkeerat One who praises the true one
3260 Girl Satkeerat One who praises the true one
3261 Boy Satkeerat One who praises the true one
3262 Boy Satleen The one absorbed in truth, in god
3263 Girl Satleen The one absorbed in truth, in god
3264 Girl Satleen The one absorbed in truth, in god
3265 Boy Satleen The one absorbed in truth, in god
3266 Boy Satleen One aborbed in truth
3267 Girl Satleen The one absorbed in truth, in god
3268 Boy Satleen One aborbed in truth
3269 Boy Satnadar Gracious glance of the true one
3270 Boy Satnam One accepting god's being as true
3271 Boy Satnam One accepting god's being as true
3272 Boy Satnam One accepting god's being as true
3273 Boy Satniranjan True and immaculate one
3274 Boy Satpal The one who abides by the truth
3275 Boy Satparvan The one accepted by god
3276 Boy Satparvan The one accepted by god
3277 Boy Satparvan The one accepted by god
3278 Boy Satparvan One accepted by god
3279 Boy Satpaul The one who abides by the truth
3280 Boy Satpaul The one who abides by the truth
3281 Boy Satprasad One blessed by the truth
3282 Girl Satsukh The one in true bliss
3283 Boy Satsukh One in true bliss
3284 Boy Satsukh One in true bliss
3285 Boy Satsukh The one in true bliss
3286 Boy Satsukh The one in true bliss
3287 Girl Satta One who is above all
3288 Girl Sattviki Of true essence, pure, honest
3289 Boy Satvichaar One who reflects on truth
3290 Boy Satvik Honesty, virtuous
3291 Girl Satwika One with seven qualities
3292 Boy Satyaaashrith One who takes refuge in truth
3293 Boy Satyadarshi One who can see the truth
3294 Boy Satyadarshi One who can see the truth
3295 Boy Satyadhar Bearer of truth, honest
3296 Boy Satyak Honest
3297 Boy Satyak Honest
3298 Girl Satyaki One who is truthful
3299 Boy Satyam Honesty
3300 Boy Satyam Honesty
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