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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'One who'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
351 Boy Charanjeet One who has won over the lord (charanjeet)
352 Boy Charanjeet Winning the service of guru's lotus feet, one who
353 Boy Charanjit One who has won over the lord
354 Boy Charanjit One who has won over the god
355 Girl Charanpreet One who loves the lord's lotus feet
356 Girl Charanpreet One who loves the lord's lotus feet
357 Boy Charanpreet One who loves the lord's lotus feet
358 Boy Charanpreet One who loves the lord's lotus feet
359 Girl Charanpreet One who loves the lord's lotus feet
360 Girl Charanpreet One who loves the lord's lotus feet
361 Boy Charanvir One who is fast on feet and brave
362 Boy Charbak One who speaks well
363 Boy Charuvardhan The one who enhances beauty
364 Boy Charuvardhana One who enhances beauty
365 Boy Charuvardhana One who enhances beauty
366 Boy Chaturved One who has studied four vedas
367 Boy Chaturvedi One who knows all the 4 vedas
368 Girl Chaunta One who outshines the stars
369 Boy Chayanka Marked with the hare, one who is like the moon
370 Boy Chidambar One whose heart is as big as the sky
371 Boy Chidambar;chidambaram Sky like heart, one who has heart as wide as sky
372 Boy Chidambar;chidambaram Sky like heart, one who has heart as wide as sky
373 Boy Chidamber One whose heart is as vast as sky
374 Boy Chintanpreet One who loves to meditate
375 Boy Chintanpreet One who loves to meditate
376 Boy Chitatam One who is aware of the spirit
377 Boy Chitatam One who is aware of the spirit
378 Boy Chitnivas One who resides in awareness
379 Boy Chitnivas One who resides in awareness
380 Boy Chitraman One who delights in consciousness
381 Boy Chitraman One who delights in consciousness
382 Boy Chitranjan Inner joy, happiness from the heart, one who has j
383 Boy Chitranjan Inner joy, happiness from the heart, one who has j
384 Boy Chittamohan One who attracts the mind
385 Boy Chittaranjan One who pleases the mind
386 Girl Chittarupa One who is in thought-state
387 Boy Chittvana One who mediates
388 Girl Chitvan Gaze, one who meditates
389 Boy Chitvichaar One who reflects on consciousness
390 Boy Chitvichaar One who reflects on consciousness
391 Boy Cidvilasa One who sports in the knowledge of illusion
392 Girl Daaniya Kind hearted, the one who gets near
393 Boy Dadhyan Seller of milk, one who brings the milk, a hermit
394 Girl Daityasena One who has an army of demons
395 Boy Daivagjna One who has knowledge of gods, fortune-teller, ast
396 Boy Daman One who controls
397 Boy Daman One who controls
398 Boy Daman One who controls
399 Boy Daman Controller, one who controls
400 Boy Damati One who subdues a conquerer
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