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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'Our'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
101 Boy Aristanemi Unbroken felly, smooth and uninterrupted journey
102 Girl Arjumand Beloved, noble, honourable, excellent
103 Boy Arun Mythical charioteer of the sun, dawn, red colour,
104 Girl Arunima Red colour, glow of the dawn
105 Boy Aryabhata Enterprising, best among the masters, courageous
106 Boy Aryaki Respected, honoured
107 Boy Aryasura Honourable, brave among the aryas
108 Boy Asbagh Coloured animal, huge flood
109 Girl Ashka What we do after the arti with our hand
110 Boy Ashwasan Condolenses, encouragement
111 Boy Athervan One of the four vedas
112 Boy Athlai My hour or time.
113 Boy Attai My hour or time.
114 Boy Attalus Increased, nourished
115 Boy Aurjitya Energy, vigour, strength
116 Girl Avaani On course, the bed of a river, the earth
117 Boy Avas Favour, protection
118 Girl Axl Source of life
119 Boy Azmon 'bone of a bone, our strength'
120 Boy Azor A helper, a court
121 Boy Baalath A rejoicing, our proud lord
122 Boy Badaat Wonderful, surprising, outstripping in courage and
123 Boy Bahadar Brave and courageous
124 Boy Bahadur Brave, bold, brave and courageous, honourable
125 Boy Bahadur One who is brave and courageous
126 Boy Bahadur Brave, bold, brave and courageous, honourable
127 Boy Bahumanya Honoured by many
128 Girl Baijanti Name of flower, lord vishnu's favourite
129 Girl Baijanti/vaijanti Name of flower ( lord vishnu's favourite)
130 Boy Bajala Venerated, honoured
131 Boy Balbir Strong, couragious
132 Boy Balbir Strong, couragious
133 Boy Baridbaran Colour of cloud
134 Boy Benimi Our sons
135 Boy Bhagatrang Coloured by devotion to god
136 Boy Bhama Light, splendour
137 Boy Bharmandala Supporting, nourishing, another name for vishnu
138 Boy Bhe Courage
139 Girl Bhedi One who gives our secrets
140 Boy Bhrajathu Brilliance, splendour, fame
141 Girl Bhrithi Strengthened, nourished, cherished
142 Boy Bikramjeet Victory for valour
143 Boy Bikrampal Protector of valour
144 Boy Bikrampreet Love for valour
145 Girl Bipsha Wealth,flourish
146 Boy Bir Courageous
147 Boy Birapaar Warrior and limitless courage
148 Boy Bitasok One who does not mourn
149 Girl Brhadbhasa The great splendour
150 Boy Brhita Nourished,
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