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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'The'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
8201 Boy Somakhya As virtuous as the moon the red lotus
8202 Girl Somalakshmi Luster of the moon
8203 Girl Somalata The creeper from which soma is extracted
8204 Girl Somali Beloved of the moon
8205 Boy Soman The moon
8206 Boy Soman The moon
8207 Boy Somanpreet Love for the moon
8208 Boy Somaraj The moon
8209 Boy Somasen Lord of the moon
8210 Girl Somasuta Daughter of the moon
8211 Girl Somatra Excelling the moon/font>
8212 Girl Somatra Excelling the moon
8213 Boy Sombhupal The king of land
8214 Boy Somdutt The moon, similar to som
8215 Boy Somerset Place of the summer settlers
8216 Boy Someswar Lord of the moon
8217 Boy Somjit One who conquer the sun
8218 Boy Somnath Lord of the moon
8219 Boy Somnath Lord of the moon, god shiva
8220 Boy Somrik The vedas of the moon
8221 Boy Somu The moon
8222 Girl Sooryamani The sun-stone, sun-gem
8223 Boy Sopater Who defends the father
8224 Boy Sosipater Who defends the father
8225 Boy Soumik One who offers the sacred soma juice to the gods
8226 Girl Sourabhi Fragrance, the celestial cow
8227 Boy Souren Of the sun
8228 Boy Souren Dra-of the sun
8229 Boy Souri Brave or the name of lord krishna
8230 Girl Souvira One of the indian raag or taal
8231 Girl Spreehha Wish, being attached to the world
8232 Girl Spriha Being attached to the world
8233 Boy Springsteen Stream by the rocks
8234 Girl Sraavani Flower which grows in the rainy season, shraavan a
8235 Boy Sree Polite form of address equivalent to the english "
8236 Girl Sreeja The jatika of goddess lakshmi
8237 Boy Sreejith The one who has conquered lakshmi (the goddess of
8238 Girl Sreevidhya The goddess of weath and knowledge
8239 Girl Sreevidya The goddess of weath and knowledge
8240 Boy Srejit The one who has conquered lakshmi (the goddess of
8241 Girl Sreshta The best
8242 Boy Sreshta The best
8243 Boy Srestha The best in number and quality
8244 Girl Srestha The best in number and quality
8245 Girl Sridhanya Name of the goddess lakshmi
8246 Girl Srilatha Name of the godess
8247 Boy Srikantha Another name of god vishnu
8248 Boy Srikar Causing prosperity, another name for lord vishnu,
8249 Boy Srimatesh The lord of knowledge
8250 Girl Srinika Lotus in the heart of lord vishnu, goddess lakshmi
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