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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'The'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
3851 Boy Himachala The himalaya mountains
3852 Boy Himachalkumar The himalayas
3853 Girl Himadri Peak of snow, the himalaya mountain
3854 Boy Himadyuti Of cool radiance, the moon
3855 Boy Himaghna The sun
3856 Boy Himaghna The sun
3857 Boy Himagiri The himalaya mountains
3858 Boy Himakar The moon
3859 Boy Himakara Snow handed, causing cold, the moon
3860 Boy Himan Himan was the name of one of the famous slaves tha
3861 Boy Himanshu The moon
3862 Boy Himanshu The moon
3863 Boy Himanshu Another name of chandra
3864 Girl Himantha End of the snow
3865 Boy Himarasmi The moon
3866 Girl Himarsha From the mountains
3867 Boy Himavant The himalaya mountain
3868 Boy Himavata The himalaya mountains
3869 Boy Himesh The snow king
3870 Boy Himmat Courage, desire, strength, the one who strives, ma
3871 Girl Hina Henna, a shrub, fragrance, sword of the finest ste
3872 Girl Hira Diamond, another name for lakshmi
3873 Girl Hira Diamond, another name for lakshmi
3874 Boy Hiram Exaltation of life, a destroyer, exalted brother,
3875 Boy Hiram Brother of the exalted
3876 Boy Hiranyadhanu Father of eklavya
3877 Boy Hiranyagarbha The golden womb
3878 Boy Hiranyagarbha The all powerful creator
3879 Boy Hirav Greenery, the lush greenery on the surface of the
3880 Boy Hiren Diamond, lord genius, lord of the diamonds
3881 Boy Hiren Lord of the diamonds
3882 Boy Hirendra Lord of the diamonds
3883 Boy Hirithik From the heart
3884 Girl Hiroo Another word for diamond
3885 Boy Hitakar A person who is doing well for another people
3886 Girl Hitasa Another name of fire
3887 Boy Hitasa The oblation eater
3888 Boy Hiteshwar The heart of god
3889 Boy Hizkijah The strength of the lord.
3890 Boy Hoham Woe to them.
3891 Boy Holbrook Brook in the hollow
3892 Boy Holden Hollow in the valley
3893 Girl Holikaa Lighting the ceremonial fire, sister of hiranyakas
3894 Boy Hollis Lives near the holly trees
3895 Girl Holly The holly bush
3896 Girl Homakala The art of home
3897 Girl Honey Sweet as honey, sweetheart, honey, beloved, adorab
3898 Girl Hope Signifying the quality of hope actress
3899 Boy Horam Their hill.
3900 Boy Hosho Voice of the dharma
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