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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'The'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
351 Girl Adamina The earth
352 Boy Adan Variation of adam from the red earth, earth, man
353 Girl Adanna Father's loving daughter, one who is the loving da
354 Boy Adarsa Mirror, image, the ideal
355 Boy Adbul-qawi Servant of the most powerful
356 Girl Addie Noble kind, of the noble sort
357 Boy Addit From the beginning
358 Girl Additi Goddess of the sky and fertility
359 Boy Addon Basis, foundation, the lord
360 Boy Addy Man of the red earth
361 Girl Adeep The light that never gets off
362 Boy Adelika Approaching the target, full of concentration
363 Boy Adem Earth, of the earth
364 Boy Adham Black, son of the red earth
365 Boy Adharv Name of ganesha, the first vedas
366 Boy Adharva Name of ganesha, the first vedas
367 Boy Adhav Sun's another name is adhav (adhavan)
368 Girl Adhi Mother of sage valluvar
369 Boy Adhibu Superior among the beings, a king
370 Girl Adhikshit The head, chief
371 Boy Adhila The censurer
372 Girl Adhip The light
373 Boy Adhish The god worshipped by the gods them selve
374 Boy Adhith Goddess of the sky and fertility.
375 Girl Adhitha From the beginning
376 Girl Adhithi Goddess of the sky and fertility.
377 Boy Adhithya The sun
378 Boy Adhitya The sun
379 Girl Adhiyamaan The sun
380 Boy Adhokshaj An epithet of krishna and vishnu
381 Boy Adhrgu Knower of the inconsistent
382 Boy Adhrit The one who don't need any support but supports ev
383 Boy Adhrit The one who don't need any support but supports ev
384 Girl Adhrushta One of the ten durgas
385 Boy Adhrutha Another name of vishnu
386 Boy Adhyatman The superior or supreme self
387 Girl Adi Adornment, jewel, the first, primeval, daughter of
388 Boy Adidaitya The first demon
389 Boy Adideva The primeval god
390 Boy Adiel Witness of the god
391 Boy Adikara The first creator, lord brahma
392 Boy Adikurma The original tortoise
393 Girl Adilakshmi The primal lakshmi
394 Girl Adimata The primal mother
395 Boy Adimula The primal root
396 Boy Adimurti The primal idol
397 Boy Adinarayana Lord vishnu, the first protector of beings
398 Boy Adinath The first lord, lord siva, lord vishnu, lord risha
399 Boy Adinath-aadinath Father of bharata & bahubali
400 Boy Adinatha The primordial master
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