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All Rashi Modern Names Meaning 'To'

Sr. NoGenderBaby NameMeaningFbLike
451 Boy Azeem-azim Defender, referring to one of god's ninety-nine qu
452 Boy Aziz Powerful, friend, dear one, precious, to be cheris
453 Boy Azraqi He was an authority on the geography and history o
454 Boy Baal-zebub The lord of the flies. a deliberate hebrew distort
455 Girl Babhravi Victorious, carrying
456 Boy Badarayana Belongs to the jujube tree
457 Boy Badgelgar Reducing air to ashes, one of the 101 names of ahu
458 Boy Bahadurjeet Victory of the brave
459 Boy Bahadurjeet Victory of the brave
460 Boy Bahadurjit Victory of the brave
461 Boy Bahadurjit Victory of the brave
462 Boy Bahadurjit Victory of the brave
463 Girl Bahraman Ruby, a light pink to blood red gemstone
464 Boy Bakhtari A narrator of hadith
465 Boy Balbinderjit Victory of power
466 Boy Balbinderjit Victory of power
467 Boy Balinderjit Victory of strength
468 Boy Balivaka Praying at the oblation, an orator
469 Boy Baljeet Mighty victorious
470 Boy Baljeet Mighty victorious
471 Girl Baljeet Mighty victorious
472 Boy Baljeet Mighty victorious
473 Girl Baljit Mighty victorious
474 Boy Baljit Mighty victorious
475 Boy Baljit Mighty victorious
476 Boy Ballava Call of victory
477 Girl Balvinder Victorious through strength
478 Boy Balwin Bold protector
479 Girl Balwinder Victorious through strength
480 Boy Balwinderjit Victory of strength
481 Boy Ban To become, forest
482 Boy Banarasi Sacred, belonging to benaras
483 Boy Bandish Binding, attach together
484 Girl Bandita Adored, worshipped, together
485 Girl Banhisikha A tongue of fire
486 Boy Bani Children, speech, an orator, sayings of the guru
487 Boy Banjeet Victory of the forest
488 Boy Banjeet Victory of the forest
489 Boy Banjeet Victory of the forest
490 Girl Bara To choose
491 Boy Bari Of allah, creator, deity, sharp, pointed
492 Boy Bart Son of tolmai
493 Boy Barth Son of tolmai
494 Boy Bartholomew Son of tolmai
495 Boy Barton Barley farm or bart's town. the epon..
496 Girl Barzah Narrator of hadith
497 Boy Bashan In the tooth, in ivory
498 Boy Baskala Preceptor, teacher, well read, wise
499 Boy Bedan According to judgment
500 Boy Beli From bell, stomach
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