Bonding with an adopted baby is not as difficult if you don’t get too psychologically freaked out by the fact that you are not your baby’s biological parent. In most of the cases the problem arises because parents have a tendency of feeling that they are not connected to their baby biologically. But blood ties are not everything, it is you who have to work towards making yourself feel comfortable around your adopted baby.
In case you are adopting an infant then it becomes quite easy for yo u to bond with the adopted infant. As you as parent or a mother or a father involve yourself in your child day to day nursing and parenting activities like feeding, bathing, changing diapers, playing etc. You realize that you are getting closer and closer to your adopted child. Although is always a fear that one day you have to tell your child he or she is adopted but for the time being you can easily make your way to the heart of your kid. The situation might be a little difficult if you adopted a bigger child but it can also be dealt with. The child is craving for love you give him that and he will love you back too.