When your baby is just a toddler his favorite activity is exploring. They tend to walk around, sometimes fall, sometimes a fall can make them cry but sometimes they laugh, they bump into things, they go to people and try and talk, they see new things and pick them up, they also try to compare colors and different objects they see every day and sometimes they speak their own weird language. All this is really cute but you as a parent should be careful that this small exploration by your toddler is safe and you have to make sure that your toddler remains in your sight all the time so that you can keep a close eye on him.
If your toddler has just learnt to speak he will try and talk and you as a parent should be a good listener. Toddlers are highly active and they always want someone to play with. You as a parent should be that company. If you are busy make sure that someone else in your family is keeping your toddler company. Toddlers are good observers. They see everything and can sometimes come up with weird questions which you may find difficult to answer.