Bottle feeding is preferred by most of the mothers for their babies after the certain months of the breast feeding, as the times goes it becomes difficult for the mother’s to feed the baby for 5 times in a day. This difficult leaves the mother’s with no option but that of bottle feeding which is harmful for the babies. After lots of research on this sensitive topic of bottle feeding scientist have come on the conclusion that it is not safe for babies to rely on formula milk. The formula milk contains some important ingredients needed by the baby in his growth year but it cannot take the place of breast feeding.
Bottle feeding is not only harmful for the baby’s mental health but it also affect it physical health. Bottle feeding could cause some serious illness such as diarrhea, chest infection and urine infection. Not only this certain researches say that baby’s that feed on formula milk has more mortality rate than others, who don’t. Bottle feeding also reduces the cognitive development and cause nutrient deficiency in a child. Bottle feeding result in gastrointestinal infections, chronic diseases, childhood cancers, asthma and allergy, diabetes and sudden infant death syndrome.