A fear of failure limits a person from going ahead and doing different tasks in life. A person with low levels of confidence and no self esteem often fear failure. Generally it is seen that people who have never been encouraged by their family members, teachers, friends or their fellow mates for their good work and are always stopped from doing it through either rejection or scolding are found to be scared of facing failures in life. Such people stop trying new things in their life. They have no aims or goals, which affects their life’s quality. Hence measures should be taken to help kids overcome their fear of failure so that they grow up as healthy human beings and make their life better.
Here are a few ways that can help your children overcome their fear of failure.
1. Teach your child that the 'attempt' is more important than the 'result'.
Always teach your child to attempt all the examinations and competitions as there is always a possibility of winning. Teach him that even if he’ll lose, he will gain a new experience in life and with this experience he can do better the next time. Missing an opportunity means losing all possible chances to win. So try to make efforts to indulge your child in every possible activity that could instil a positive attitude in him.
2. Encourage and appreciate your child for his efforts
Parents’ encouragement and appreciation means a lot to a child. A child is emotionally as well as mentally attached to his parents and expects at every stage to be motivated by his parents. So it becomes the sole responsibility of the parents to guide their children and assist them in all aspects of their life.
3. Try to emphasize on the process
Teach your child to learn the way of doing his tasks and also make him realize that winning is not the ultimate thing. It is a mere guide post and that hard work is important to learn the process and gain expertise in it.
4. Difficulties are remembered and rest is gone
Teach your child that only those things are remembered by the human brain in which a lot of effort has been taken to learn it. Easy things are learnt very quickly and as well they are forgotten very easily and quickly. Try to make him work hard so that he forgets all the fears of attempting all the challenges in his life and faces them like a champion.
5. Be optimistic
Make him believe that every problem has a solution. There can be many ways to solve a problem as long as there is will to solve it. Failures are a sign of making attempts to achieve something and that always teaches important lessons in life. If your children are optimistic in life, they will face any challenges in life like champions.
Your child will be more confident and active only with your encouragement and support. Try to bring quality in your actions as at times children try to follow their parent’s actions and reactions as it is and so if their parents are good in their action so it will be good for them too. These methods can really help your children overcome their fear of failure and so try it out as this is very essential to make them more confident and self-reliant in life.