A baby in a family is the most awaiting thing to happen and so the monthly checks are made lower, purchases are reduced and many steps to save money for the baby creep up along with few tension hours and worried seconds. You try to reduce your shopping expenses but the bill at the counter increases. The more you want to spend less, the bigger the bill becomes.
Here are few smart and better ways to save you from over spending for your baby child out of excitement and stress;
1. Talk to old mothers.
Make sometime and speak to old mothers about how they have brought up their kids. How they saved few pennies and also how they have committed few mistakes and learn from the same. Take to many and find what they really liked doing for their kids and it is worth doing or buying.
2. Give a try to disposable diapers’;
The disposable diapers’ are usually a store brand. The manufactures brand is more costly than the store brand though of almost same quality but disposable. Give a try to the disposable ones to save few pennies.
3. Have a little patience;
It is so obvious that a mother wants her prince or her princess to have all the comforts before he/ she comes out into the world. Every mother is found in the baby store once in couple of days wondering what to buy and what not. What to eat and what not without even bothering what you really want for your baby. So understand that the longer you can wait to see what your baby really needs, the better you can buy and it will be of his/her use.
4. Know your baby diapers’ size;
Save your wallet by checking the diapers’ size. It is found that the bigger the diapers’ size, the fewer are the count in the packet. Babies usually are born with 20 to 30 pounds. And a smaller or medium diaper will be sufficient.
5. Buying in bulk saves;
The buy in bulk strategy for few items like the diapers’, formula and wipes would also help save cost. Moreover if the baby needs one at the mid night you don’t need to hurry to the local store and run to buy diapers’.
6. Check the weight and height of the stroller and seats;
Buy a stroller which can carry more weight. It is obvious for a baby to put on weight during the growth stages, better option is to buy one which can carry more and is little higher. This would save you from buying another stroller or a car seat after few days.
7. Social networking saves money;
Few of the social networking sites tweets about the discounts and huge sales. They would also include few tips and few suggestions to be taken care. Liking few of the favorite products might even lead to few discounts on them.
8. Use coupons;
The coupons are the recent advertising source for many products. The exchange offers for the baby products with a new one, or coupons for a discount sales found in the news papers should be used to save few pennies again.
9. Create a e-announcement about your child;
The electronic era has lead to many resources. Baby born announcements can be made online unlike on the news papers. A digital photo can be choose out the huge set clicked since the baby moves her finger and posted on the sites.
10. Mothers milk is the best milk;
Mother’s milk is the only healthy food a baby can have. If you are a easy breast feeding mother you have already saved money from buying the formula.
11. Recheck the nursery items;
Not all the equipments will be needed by your baby. He will grow big in just a wink. Recheck the list and cut few of them.
12. Make your list;
Some diapper companies have special points on every purchase. Visit your favorite brands websites for more discounts and to have parallel knowledge about new products.
13. Find a frugal mom;
A new mother won’t have time or even energy to search for discounts and sales of baby products on internet. So give the work to the frugal mom.
14. Unisex colors is a better choice;
Though it’s a boy or a girl the unisex colors like those of light colors will help use them for both. Rather than baby pink or blue dedicated only to a girl and boy respectively.
15. Choose only white;
White is an every time color. The white cloths can be passed on for your second baby irrespective of it’s a baby girl or a baby boy.
16. Try to use extended sizes;
The garment shops will extend the cloths sizes, for your growing baby. Using these cloths will help you save few bucks. The baby can wear them as shirts, onesies or as a short sleeve when the weather is too hot.
17. Make creative everyday toys;
The everyday items which can make a sound or look colorful can compensate your baby toys. Wooden spoons, utensils, plastic tops can make drums, beats etc.
18. Nanny share idea;
Two families can share the nanny. They can even trade off which home the nanny will stay for the day. When the nanny keeps a holiday’s one mother can share the responsibility.
19. Tub toys;
Finger paints during bath time, soap crayons; frozen floater will compensate the huge priced toys but still keep your kid entertained.
20. Search for freebies;
Check freecycle website for free items but with quality and share with your kids toys.
21. Go for a free mom and baby class;
Sign up for free mom and child class near your city. There are few libraries, free music and freebie classes in the locality.
22. Take help from a cd or a dvd;
Do your exercise at home with the help of a cd or a dvd. Exercise classes in the gyms would be costly.
23. Check for quality;
Not all items are bought under the price line. Few items like the beast bumps, strollers need to be bought of good quality as they will be used for a longer period.
24. Be your child chef;
Rather than buying the pre packed food items which are little costlier than the home made nutritious food, feed your baby with the mother made delicious and healthy food.
25. Stop using toddlers formula;
Unless there is a doctor’s prescription for your baby, your baby can drink milk rather than the formula once he turns one year.
26. Double use the personals;
Unless your baby items have a name stitched or damaged the items you can use them for your second.
27. Make creative toys;
A baby likes to hear rattling sounds, see colorful things. Fill a bowl or a bottle with beans, rice and few non dangerous items and rattle them and he would love it.
28. No need of crib bedding sets;
While buying the bedding sets for your baby, it would contain everything which might not be required like the extra pillows, cloths etc. a baby just needs a soft bed to sleep and it is even precautious for him. So don’t dump money on those extra items.
29. Buy gently used items;
Babies don’t bother where the cloths and toys they play come from. So stop near consignment store, thrift shops and buy those gently used cloths and toys.
30. Consider diapers made of cloth;
An eco friendly and wallet savers are the cloth diapers. They can be time investment.
31. Avoid disposable diaper bags;
Disposable diaper bags need not be wrapped in plastic diaper bags. You can even use grocery bags, bread bags etc.
32. Expecting twins, you can ask for a discount;
There usually are discounts for twin, triplets or more. Ask the retailer about them.
33. Understand your purchases;
It is not required to buy everything beforehand. Wait for your child and understand what he or she needs.
34. Try working again;
A double income is more family friendly when your family becomes bigger.