Asperger’s syndrome is a disorder which causes difficulty in interacting with others. This developmental disorder is more common in boys than in girls. The disorder can be noticed at age of around 3 years through certain characteristic symptoms like inability to interact or understand social norms, poor coordination skills, speaking in a fixed tone or pitch, acting clumsy and being bothered by strong noises, tastes or lights. Researches are going on but the definite causes of Asperger’s syndrome have yet not been discovered. Most likely, it is due to genetic causes and tends to run in families.
It is believed that Asperger’s syndrome is caused due to unusual changes in the embryonic cells. The most widely believed theory is genetic reasons causing this disorder. Some have also suggested a causative factor to be mercury containing vaccines, such as the measles vaccine. However, this theory has been rejected by majority. In some cases, Asperger’s is also found to be associated with maternal infections, exposure to toxins, complications in pregnancy or at birth. It is estimated that Asperger’s syndrome affects 2.5 children out of every 1000.