Autism rates are on the rise. While immediate family of autism affected individual quickly learn about this complex neurological disorder, it is equally important that the awareness about autism increases so that people do not have misconceptions about it and treat affected people with the sensitivity they deserve. Here are a few facts about autism.
Autism is a genetic disorder, and not a result of poor parenting. If a child is autistic, chances of the sibling also being autistic is 5 to 10%. There is no laboratory test to determine whether a child is autistic, so doctors rely entirely on examining behavioural signs. The estimated age of diagnosing a child has been established at 3.5 years, although with increasing awareness amongst paediatricians a lot more children are being diagnosed at quite an early age. More children are being diagnosed of Autism than AIDS, cancer and diabetes combined together. Autism is estimated to affect 1 out of every 88 children, being the fastest spreading developmental disorder in the United States. Autism affects more boys than girls, and has no cure. Also, autism is a spectral disorder, so the severity of symptoms varies. It is possible that someone is verbal while someone is mentally retarded, both autistic.