When a daughter in law lives with their in laws she has to adjust and try to handle all kinds of situations in the house. She has to display flexibility though she was a queen in her own mother home. A mother in law doesn’t except all jobs at home to be done by the daughter in law unless she is in trouble. There should be a mutual help and understanding between both of them.
It is very easy to complain and grumble than to step forward to change the situations. Everyone have a share of problems it is all just about how better you deal with them. At times problems with in laws can be sorted out in the following ways;
Moving out to a separate house, under any financial crises is at times a positive option. If there are huge problems which under many trails to sort didn’t find any possibility of clearance finding an independent accommodation would help you live in peace with your children.
A women should be more proactive and flexible. Find a job and be independent. One would not even find time for the quarrel with the in laws because of the office. More over a woman would even earn more pennies for the family and gain more respect.
If you are not career oriented human. Find a low profile job for the time being. Meeting new
people, meeting new mothers who face the same problem would help you sort out few things.
Respect your in laws, it is your duty but at the same time don’t be submissive. Stay polite and also keep distance if you find discomfort under their presence. Remember to support them if they need help but don’t show your gratitude but helping needlessly.
You have your own life. Concentrate on it rather than on scribbles and small fights which waste your time.