In laws are those great people who care for their grand children. But at times conflicts come in the way between. The plethora of advantages when grandparents are at home is very much ignored by the women when ego comes in when parents don’t want anyone to teach them how to raise their kids and bossing on them.
Yes, there are both pros and corns of having grandparents staying together. Disputes arise with small things like discipline, cooking by the daughter in law, watching tv, dresses, etc. what all happens is little fights leading to horrible shouts remembering previous confrontations and adding to the situation.
Happy thing is the father and the grandfather doesn’t interfere but just listen to the grumbles. The most dangerous thing at this situation is when children take an advantage when parents and grandparents fight. They skip in a wink of the eye to do something stupid around as no one is observing them. These kinds of disputes create an aggressive behavior and mixed feelings in them.
Thing to do by parents;
1. Avoid grumbling about grandparents in front of your kids. Children are very good learners
2. If rules are made in the house like watching tv, discipline, dress code. Follow them and let your kids do the same. Else they will only learn how to break the rules.
3. If you find any issues with your in laws sought them out as soon as possible.
4. Praise the grandparents in front of children and create a feeling of respect for elders. Understand the fact that they are old and need help too as you must have needed when you are small.
5. Go for family meetings and parties. A child has a great impact on togetherness of a family and he learns many things for his life.