This is an important period for your baby. Firstly, the food habits start to take a change. Your baby gets a little taste of solid food, by the end of 6 months. But, a lot changes during this period.
Your baby becomes genuinely active and slowly starts to pick up habits from parents. Your baby will grow a lot during this period hence it is crucial that you make your baby move and play with your baby. Simple activities like fondling, blowing bubbles and letting your baby fiddle with them or positioning yourself as a chair and rocking your baby slowly can help your baby’s muscles to flex. Your baby can also play with toys. But, make sure that they are tidy as babies at this age are prone to disease causing germs and bacteria.
Regular checkups with doctors are necessary. It is also required to see that your baby sleeps in a correct position. At an average, they will sleep for 12 – 16 hours a day, mostly during the night though. These three months actually is the period when your baby tends to open up. Give proper care and make this period one of the memorable periods for you and your newborn.