No two babies are the same just like no two individuals are similar on this earth. Each and every toddler has got some special quality of his own which needs to be appreciated by his parents. Every child is special in his or her own way. You as parents of a toddler have this responsibility of motivating your little one so that he gets inspired to do something worthwhile in his life making use of the best of his abilities.
There are three main categories in which we can place little toddlers. Your little one can either be a looker, a listener or a mover. If we get to understand in which category our kid belongs it can prove to be really beneficial in the development of your toddler by maximizing the learning ability of your child.
Below is given a list of behaviours that are commonly exhibited by children. You can easily find out to which category your little one belongs by simply placing a check against behaviours which are displayed by your toddler. Finally total all the checks that you have placed in each category (looker, mover or listener) and you will be able to determine the kind of learning style that is favoured by your toddler.
Is your toddler a looker?
The very first category that we describe here is that of a looker. We give below some of the points that are some of the basic signs of a looker. So if you want to know whether your kid is in reality a looker or not you must read on.
Whenever your toddler is wishful of expressing herself she does it with the help of short sentences.
Her vocabulary is small.
The order of the words being used in sentences is jumbled by her.
Favourite pastimes and toys
Your toddler loves playing with stacking rings and sorters
She likes playing with a variety of blocks
Paints and crayons are her favourite
Social and motor skills
Your toddler doesn’t like being touched.
Facial expressions are used by her to reflect sadness, anger and happiness.
She uses her fingers and hands most of the time.
She looks everywhere while she is on a swing
Your toddler does not show many emotions
She gets surprised at other children’s outbursts
She can easily remember faces
She can easily recollect activities after watching them
Is your toddler a listener?
You must be now curious to know whether your toddler does show signs of a listener or not after you have been made aware of the signs of a looker in the above section.
While expressing herself her vocabulary is good
She makes sentences by combining words that can be understood easily
Your toddler is talkative
Favourite pastimes and toys
Your toddler enjoys if someone reads out to her
She can memorise nursery rhymes easily along with some song wordings as well
Your kid likes tapes and records
Social and motor skills
She prefers talking rather than holding or touching
Volume in which she speaks varies as per her mood
She focuses more on Language instead of body movements
Her coordination is limited
Your toddler expresses feelings with a dramatic flair
Expresses feelings by using names like sad or happy
Words are added to your toddler’s vocabulary pretty quickly
She can easily remember a name or word after listening to it just once
Is your toddler a mover?
Following are given some of the signs which may assist you in judging the fact whether your toddler is a mover or not.
Whenever your toddler is wishful of expressing herself non verbal communication is what she generally relies on.
Speaks very less and that too when absolutely necessary
It is quite difficult to properly understand her speech
Favourite pastimes and toys
Outdoor activities such as the sandbox are often chosen by her whenever she plays
She is in the habit of pulling out things from drawers as well as off shelves
Toys are taken apart by her
Social and motor skills
She loves being held and rocked by other people
She seeks hugs
Your toddler loves to climb
Well coordinated kid
Her feelings get hurt quite easily by even a small thing
Prone to surprising and frequent outbursts of anger and joy
She imitates whatever action is seen by her
Activities are remembered by her once she performs them
Now you can quickly total the number of checks that you have placed against each of the options and find out to which category your toddler belongs. Is he a looker, a mover or a listener? You are sure to get your answer and whatever it is you can use it for the further growth of your kid.