Your toddler is growing at a considerable rate and is learning new things everyday. By now, some toddlers might have even started going to pre-schools. well, this is the age to enhance their learning skills and prepare them for their growing years.
As parents, your job doesn't end with enrolling them to the best of pre-schools. You will also have to make some efforts and help your child learn new things. Your child must have mastered the language skills, and now it's time to explore the writing skills. You must encourage the child to practice the writing skills.
Here check out the 15 fast ways to help your child master the writing skills:
Give your child enough of big-sized papers, crayons and color pencils. Write a few alphabets on the sheet and let your child practice them writing over and over.
Select a special area of the house- stick a big paper sheet on there and let the child write, color or do whatever takes her fancy on it.
Read out from a story book or make your own story. As you go ahead into the story, tell her to write down words as she hears them. Later both of you can read through the words together.
When your child is learning the alphabet, you can keep large cut-outs of them. This will help your child associate faster and help learn the alphabets better.
You can even buy the cursive writing skills and make your child practice a page daily. Give a small reward if it's written nicely and neatly.
Hand over the pictures of your family members and ask the child to write down everyone's name and if he or she is yet to learn how to write names, you can simply ask them to write the alphabet with which the name starts.
Clay or dough can help them form alphabets. They would enjoy sticking their hands into the soft material, and learning too will happen at the same time.
Show them the pictures of the alphabets and let your child write down the letters using different crayon colors. This will help in memorizing the letters.
Don't encourage scribbling every time as this way kids will never focus on writing the letters properly.
Write some sentences or words of your own on a sheet of paper. Then ask your child to search for them in an old newspaper or a magazine article, cut them out and paste them on the sheet. Then ask her to compare the two. A great way to inculcate the art of both reading and writing.
Easy crosswords or word games can be played with the entire family sitting down together. Tell your child to fill in the words herself.
When your child goes on a picnic or whenever there is a family outing, tell her to carry along a notebook and write down the notable events of the day. Afterwards, you could help her write out a report.
Books with lots of letters and alphabet games can be a great way to encourage the writing process.
Every time there is a festival or special occasion in the family, get him or her to make greeting cards, design them and then spell out his or her name on them.
Tell your child to fill in the blanks of words with some letters written in them. When she fills up the dashes with letters, it would help her to form the meaning of the word.
Let your imagination soar and creativity take over! And enjoy seeing your child forming the love for this art! The valuable art of writing!