Caesarean section is one of the most important operations carried out. C-Section as it is sometimes called is an operation where an obstetrician cuts open the belly of a pregnant woman and her uterus or womb so as to assist her in delivering her baby.
This also perhaps is the commonest and the major surgery women undergo. There are times when cesarean sections are planned for patients but when they aren't planned, they are referred to as emergency cesarean sections. It can be done due to various reasons for example if a woman is pregnant with twins or breech baby, cesarean section may be planned for before the delivery date. This is called an “elective” cesarean. On the other hand, when a situation suddenly arises that may affect the health of the baby or the mother or even both, an emergency cesarean section may be required.
Elective cesarean sections are more often scheduled to be performed when a pregnancy has reached term that is before labor begins. Ideally this is found to be in around 37 to 40 weeks. For most times when emergency sections are performed, labor would have begun. There are few times when emergency cesarean sections are performed in late pregnancies when complications are suddenly discovered to have developed which is usually after the 28th week.
Why You Man Need Elective Cesarean?
Quite a number of women do not really understand what can make them fall into the category of those who will opt for an elective section. A recommendation would be given for a cesarean section if vaginal delivery may pose some risk to you or your baby or both of you.
Usually this kind of thing would be explained to you and your family by your doctor so that you prepare your mind for it. Some of the reasons that may lead to this conclusion include the following:
If you have a genital herpes outbreak, there is a high risk that this would be passed on to your baby if delivered through the vagina.
If your baby is discovered to be in a breech that is positioned bottom first or transverse that is positioned sideways or has been known to have a fetal illness or abnormality.
If you are pregnant with more than one or two babies at the most.
If there is a condition known as placenta previa wherein the placenta is implanted very low in the uterus and the exit of the baby is blocked.
If pre-eclampsia is discovered to be rapidly worsening.
Reasons you may need an Emergency Cesarean Section
There have been cases where some women were expected to have vaginal delivery but later required urgent and unplanned cesarean section. There are some reasons which may call for this, such as:
If a pregnant woman had plans for a cesarean section but went into labor before the operation commenced. The cesarean may be carried out within few hours of the labor, provided the health of the mother and her baby are not compromised.
If it is discovered that a life-threatening complication has developed for the mother or the baby during pregnancy or labor. It is considered safer and better if the baby can be delivered as soon as possible which will ensure the safety of the mother and her baby.
When your doctor has finally confirmed that you need to undergo an operation, he may discuss the procedure with you and your family. You may be told of the things you would need for the operation, what would happen during the process of the surgical operation and probably explain the possible risks that you and the baby may have to face. In order to reduce your pain and fears, you may also be told of the anesthesia that would be used during the operation.