Hearing loss implies the gradual or sudden decrease in the ability to hear, which could be partial or total. There are several reasons for hearing impairment. If you experience gradual hearing loss, your peers may notice that you are having trouble understanding their words. Congenital hearing loss on the other hand is the condition when one is born without the ability to hear. There are several means which could improve upon your ability to hear, so that you can go on live a normal and healthy life.
One may experience hearing loss on sudden exposure to loud noise such as explosions or loud music which damages the ear drum, or injury to the ear or head, ear infection, an object in the ear damaging the delicate middle or inner ear. One may also experience hearing loss because of age factor, which may be slow or sudden, but is permanent. Symptoms of hearing loss include muffled hearing, trouble understanding others or listening to the TV or other electronic instruments at a louder volume than in the past. Other symptoms may include a ringing noise in the ear, irritation or itching, fluid leakage from the ear or having vertigo. One must consult an audiologist for proper screening and treatment in case of experiencing such symptoms.