The presence of abnormal genes causes Cystic-Fibrosis. Prevention is considered as the best way of treating this genetic disorder, which can be done through earlier screening. Cystic-Fibrosis is not curable and can affect all the organs of the body. In the initial stage, it affects the breathing and digestive mechanism of a person without leaving any impact on physical appearance. Therefore, parents should go for screening to determine the presence of abnormal gene before planning conception.
CF can shorten the life span of the individual and sometimes it is also detected in the developing fetus. So, it is important for women to do CF screening before planning to conceive and consult with doctors for proper solution. The CF test is very important because it determines whether the baby would contact the disease or has a risk of developing the disease in future. Though the results are obtained before conceiving but still there are chances where doctor discovers that the developing fetus is having Cystic-Fibrosis. In such a situation, the couples can either continue with the pregnancy or can get the pregnancy terminated, with doctors’ approval. To raise the child with CF, they have to get prepared for the relevant medical and treatment options regarding the