Celiac disease is an auto immune disorder where the lining of small intestine gets damaged. It would be difficult when food enters into the intestine causing pain and discomfort. It is observed that male’s rate towards the possibility of the disease is higher than females. A sample from the mouth or blood is used in Genetic testing to identify for celiac disease. The accuracy of the testing is predicted high. DQ2 and DQ8 are two genetic white blood cells patterns. If these patterns are not present then the probability of the celiac disease in a person is null to an extent of 99.9 percent.
The Facts of Celiac Genetic Testing are as follows;
It identifies the risk of the disease in a person and his offspring
This complex test creates uncertainty in the decision of when it should be performed. The doctors fail to interpret the charts at times.
A gluten free nutrition has no effect on the genetic test. Thus the diet has no impact on this test.
The Insurance Coverage for celic genetic test is Limited
Accuracy of the Test depends on alpha and beta units. So it is better to check both alpha and beta typing of HLA
A negative genetic result during blood test doesn’t really mean
occurrence of celiac disease mostly in men. Advanced age and ling also might produce negative results