It has been emphasized enough that babies soon after they are born needing regular massages at least for a considerable amount of time. For babies, gentle massaging is very relaxing and therapeutic. That’s because the sensation of touch is more developed at birth. Research says that infant massage has enormous benefits for helping babies grow and thrive by helping the baby to sleep better, enhance the immune system, and help in intellectual development and motor skills.
How is Infant Massage Beneficial?
Boosts social and psychological development
Relaxes muscles
Helps baby sleep better
Relieves stress
Stimulates nervous system
Improve the quality of life for differently-abled babies like Down’s syndrome
Stimulates circulatory system

Here are few natural benefits of infant massage:
When is the Best Time to Massage the Baby?
The most preferred time for baby massage is before bath since excess oil can be washed away during the bath so that the accumulation of any residual oil or lotion on the baby’s sensitive skin can be avoided. Massage after a bath when he is just about to be tucked into the bed for the night or for a nap is also ideal. Massage can lead to a good tight sleep. Make sure that you make a regular regime of baby massage so that the baby gets too used to it.
Whatever time you choose to massage the baby, make sure the baby is well-rested, alert and interested in the happenings. There should be a considerable time between two feeding sessions and such that the baby should not feel either full or hungry. Wait for at least 15 minutes before feeding the baby after the massage is done.

What All is Needed for Baby Massage?
Make sure you have the following gear ready with you before you start massaging your baby:
A comfortable flat surface, wherein you can spread a mat or blanket
Baby oil, which is unscented and has natural fragrance
Paper towels to wipe excess oil
A soft towel to cover the baby
A pacifier
Low lights and soft soothing music

Conditions where massage is beneficial
Constipation, colic and gas
Cough and congestion
Gastroesophageal reflux

Few Tips to Remember While Massaging the Baby
If during the massage the baby becomes cranky, stop whatever doing that and move on. Attempt to massage later when the baby seems more relaxed.
Always be very gentle. Too much pressure is not advisable since baby’s bones and tissues are very delicate.
During the entire massage, keep talking and laughing with the baby. Try and maintain an eye contact. This will keep the baby involved in the process and also eventually make him interested and cooperative.
Always make sure that you wipe away the oil from baby’s fingers and palms. They may put their fingers in their mouth and thus accidently ingest the oil. Hence be careful in choosing the oil and select the one that is 100% baby safe.