It is the pride and joy for every family to have a young one, for long babies has been termed as blessings to the family and the community generally. Being young humans and living things, young ones have nutritional demands in their bodies like every other normal living creature, therefore they do often need food in order to satisfy their nutritional demands, grow and lead a healthy life. Being new in life, young ones do not have the capability to feed themselves or to verbally communicate when they are hungry. This leaves a responsibility to the adults to be able to identify the various indicators which do show and communicate that the young baby is in need of being fed. Babies use different signs to communicate their hunger, and most of them are common to all young ones. in their first weeks of life babies feed once in every three hours and spend most of their time asleep, and as they grow feeding may be done 8 to 14 times in every 24 hours.
Notice different signs and indicators of hunger :
Young babies can use various signs and behave in various ways to communicate their hunger, these gestures and indicators are often behavioral patters that are easy to notice. Young ones will get one hand close to their mouth and start making sucking motions. This is one of the first signs that a baby uses to communicate that they are hungry; at times also the young one may open their mouth when you touch or stroke their cheek. This is known as rooting which is also a basic indicator that the baby should be fed. Crying in babies has also played a key role in understanding the various demands from a young baby; most of the times a young baby will cry to convey some message and seek attention. These cries are differentiated by their tone and intensity although, it takes time to perfectly master what the young one intents to put across by making a particular cry. Hunger can cause the young one to make certain cries that are different from the other cries which the baby makes due to other triggers such as irritation. Crying often comes as the last cue to tell that the baby is hungry. and this therefore works as the core basics to often determine that the young one should be fed.
Maintain the feeding schedules :
Young ones too like adults have their feeding schedules. In the first weeks of their life, young ones should not go for more than four hours without being fed. Timing the young ones schedules can be much helpful to come up with a perfect design on how to often feed the baby. Young ones to can show when they need to feed, often young ones snuggle close to their mothers breasts making movements that indicate their desire to suckle. And too young ones will show signs of satisfaction with the feeding process. Once they are satisfied, they do come of the breast by themselves. Feeding demands in young babies come by as the baby grows. The feeding patterns do change with time and growth rate and this should be taken in to consideration when designing the young ones feeding schedule. With growth attendance, the feeding hours may change. The baby this time develops a more stable feeding program, and also the amount of food that the baby’s consumption level increases too.
Breast feeding is important :
Breast feeding is the major feeding channel that the young one prefers to be fed on, in their first few months; breast milk offers all the nutritional demand of a young child and ensures healthy growth and development of the baby. it should be done as often as possible on the young ones demand. This is called baby-led breast feeding. Breast Milk is known as colostrums. This milk if thick and yellow .and its known to play a very important role in the health and wellbeing of a baby. Once a baby is allowed to breastfeed immediately after bath, the young one latches to the breast and starts feeding. it has been observed that, in such cases the baby wont have feeding problems later unlike the babies who find difficulties to latching to their mothers breasts properly. This may cause irritation and pain to their mother’s breasts.
Breast milk is essential :
Breast milk is also necessary for the child’s strong immunity, creating a motherly bond, and enhancing both emotional and spiritual development. Breast milk contains the most important fat and protein materials that cannot be replaced by other foods. if a mother fails to be able to breast feed their baby due to health conditions, the best option is to look for a wet nurse or some milk bank. Milk banks get milk donations from mothers and can be a source of milk for the young baby when the mother is experiencing poor or no milk production due to health conditions. Another alternative for this can be the use of raw goat milk. Mixing raw goat milk ancillary carrot juice creates a perfect formula for these who are unable to breast feed their babies. This combination gives the baby nutritional value close to what the mother’s milk would provide. Although it should always be put into consideration that Mothers milk is the Best milk food that a baby can have.
At their young ages, babies have a weak digestive system which cannot digest solid foodstuffs and basically depend on breast milk as their main supply of food and body nutritional demands. This delegates a responsibility to their mothers to ensure that the young ones are well Brest fed.
Nut milk and avocado, are also other supplements which can be used, although babies find it hard to digest them due to their weak digestive systems. They have less ability to absorb the fats and proteins and many young ones are allergic to nut milk especially if introduced to them at an early life.
Almond milk also has been known to be able to replace the mother’s milk and provide the baby with nutritional gains close to what the mother’s milk could have provided.
In their first 6 weeks babies are not yet in a position to differentiate day and night. Therefore their feeding patters may be very unstable. a baby may feed more during the day than at night or vise versa. When the baby attains the age of six months, the mother can start weaning, by introducing light foods and baby formula, at this age the young child can digest light foods and breast feeding is reduced. They can feed through baby bottles, and also can outwardly portray their desire to eat.
A well fed baby grows a healthy baby.