Ideal Sleeping Time Need for Newborn Baby
Sleeping style of newborn babies is different in all babies, but generally newborn babies sleep well during day and night if they are in good health. Some parents get troubled due to their newborn baby awake in night and not sleep well like other newborn babies. Sleeping habits of newborns are not similar, generally a newborn baby sleep for 17 – 20 hours [including day and night sleeping hours] in a day. Some babies with less sleeping habits sleep for only 11 hours including day and night sleeping hours. Some baby cry in night as crying is the only communication way that your baby knows. Therefore, you need to understand reasons for your baby’s crying by observing her habits for feeding, sleeping, awaking or changing diaper.
Newborn’s Sleeping Habits
Newborn baby of one or two days old, sleep well for some days. After few days they start awaking in night as per their cycle of sleeping. There are many reasons for your baby not sleeping well at night such as if she gets hungry, diaper change time or she/he does not wants to sleep if baby completed her/his sleep in daytime. If it is time for diaper change, you can change diaper and try to make your baby sleep by giving her/him bottle or breastfed.
Your newborn baby need breastfed at every two to three hours therefore, you should maintain breastfed and sleeping schedule. You can adjust breastfed while your baby awake during night. The reason is you can save your sleep time in such a way. Sometimes baby sleep again with feeding as some babies are habituated to sleep with feeding. You should always try that your baby is not habituated to suck bottle or breast whole the night when she/he sleeps. Some baby get habituated to sleep only with breastfed or bottle feed during night; it becomes stressful for mother that she cannot sleep comfortably whole the night.
1 Month: For age of one month, baby need approximately eight and half hours sleep in night and 7 hours in day time, total sleeping time around 15 to 16 hours.
3 Months: Up to three months baby need ten hours during night and five hours during day time with total sleep time of 15 hours.
3 – 6 Months: About six months your baby need approximately 14 hours sleep in which 11 hours in night and 3 and half hours during day time.
6 – 9 Months: For nearly nine months old baby need sleeping same as six month old approximately fourteen to fifteen hours.
12 – 18 Months: For twelve to eighteen months baby need approximately 13 hours including 11 hours in night and 2 hours in day.
2 – 3 Year: For 2 to 3 years old baby need around 12 hours sleep time including 10 hours in night and 2 hours in day.
Good Sleep for Healthy Growth of Baby
Baby’s sleeping time become reduces with her/his age. Your baby gets habituated to sleep well during day and night after 2 to 4 months. Gradually you can set her sleeping and feeding schedule and try to make her comfortable sleep.
Try that your baby can sleep well during day and night and she gets enough sleep time as per her age. It is very important for development of baby. Baby’s growth is related to her undisturbed sleep. The development of baby’s brain, body tissues, muscles and white body cell (which is very important to resist against infection) are important area of development that related to good sleep of baby. Give your baby peaceful atmosphere for good sleep.