When you bring new life to this world, you have to take the responsibility of taking good care of them and this includes shielding the new one from dangers and at the same time making them strong enough to be resilient against any phase of life. You should offer them a regular massage so that their bones get stronger as it has been proven by various researches that infants tend to grow stronger and healthier if they are offered proper massage during their initial years. This traditional custom or art of parenting makes the child’s body adept and flexible thereby providing an opportunity for the body structure to evolve properly. Massages should be done in a progressive basis. This means that initially smaller sessions should be offered so that the body starts getting used to such sessions and thereafter the intensity as well as the duration should be increased sustainably and gradually. This procedure would prevent the child from having any kind of aches or negative after-effects and eventually lead to a healthy growth of the child. There are many pros associated with the massaging process and it is evident since ages.
The massaging activity increases the overall agility of the child’s body. It stimulates and strengthens their response system and they become more alert in this process.
Massages also help a child to feel relax and this would help him in a sound sleep as well.
Massaging would also help in improving the metabolism of the child and eventually enhance their digestive system.
Another important aspect is that massaging also helps to increase the circulation of blood in the body and thereby maintains pressure levels of blood as well.
Children tend to gain weight and show higher levels of growth and healthy being after being given regular massage sessions.
Apart from the biological aspects, the massaging helps the parents getting close to their child. Children can feel secure and cared in the arms of their parents and gradually they can develop a firm bond. One of the most vital aspects of this bond is that the parents would learn to analyze the visual signs that a child demonstrates. At this stage visual actions are the only means of communication from the child’s end and therefore to decrypt them properly you need to spend some time massaging your child yourself. This way you would be able to analyze what do their actions infer in reality.
Steps of a proper massage
Massaging is indeed a boon for a child’s growth but only if done in an apt fashion. An aimless and non-procedural massage would surely bring a decline in the child’s growth and hence, you should adhere to certain guidelines for a proper massaging session of your child.
You can start the session by applying some oil on your child’s body. You may preferably use olive oil for better results and for an enhanced aroma as well. There are other variants that you can opt for as well and these include almond oil, coconut oil, vegetable oil or any other available in the market for the same purpose. You may also consult your doctor to know better which oil would suit your child the best.
You should have along with it some important utility items which include tissues, diapers, and towel as well as fresh clothes.
You should position a carpet underneath the baby before massaging. Make sure this carpet is made up of a soft fabric and doesn’t produce any rashes on your child’s body as a tender body is very much susceptible to allergies of skin. You can preferably place a towel in between the baby and carpet for better assurance of his comfort.
Give smooth as well as gentle strokes via lucid warm oil and makes sure that you cover almost all parts of the body.
Do not put any extra pressure on the neck are near the spine as these get strengthened with time and are not ready for initial jerks and pressures.
You can continue these processes for 3-4 years.