In case of preventing pregnancy, your partner can also help you with the use of method like time-to-time injection of testosterone. This approach has the highest record of trial of a hormone based male birth control method. This is a method that is given to men in order to result in reduced level of testosterone that controls sperm production, erection and consequently sex drive. Testosterone treatment decreases hormones of brain that indicates testes for sperm production. Testosterone injection to males resulted in regulation of two brain chemicals namely, follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone which disrupts sperm production.
Since male oral pills are not considered successful for effective checking of unplanned pregnancy thus injection of testosterone is a preferred option. But this method still needs to grab the attention in the market. The injections is safe but requires expert supervision otherwise may prove unsuccessful. For couples who have decide not to opt for female contraceptives for them apart from vasectomy, withdrawal, condoms; injection of testosterone is one of the most promising, novel, workable method of birth control. This method does not show marked side effects like mood- swing and lower sex drive, thus is an effective and convenient
attempt of male contraception.