Unplanned pregnancy can be nightmare for couples who do not want a child at present. Couples using barriers for preventing unwanted pregnancy may at times prove to be unsuccessful, leading to what we technically call unplanned pregnancy. There may be several causes to this; one of the main causes may be to prove fertility to her or him in their subconscious mind. Some other causes are our modern life style. The modern day couples have frequent sex as compared to earlier days, with marriage not including a child in early marital stage. Usually women faces social pressure that compel them to think about avoiding precautions just to prove to the society that she is capable of conceiving if she is being married for a long time.
Few other causes of failures of contraceptives are not following proper instructions, inconsistent use of contraceptives, condom damage, taking drugs or herbs that may interfere with performance of contraceptives. Modern day life style extends their sex life from an early age expecting it to be active till menopause. The earlier generation sex life was closely knitted to marriage and motherhood whereas we take it as a recreational marriage act to satisfy marriage life pleasure.