Any baby always has different signs which show whether she is breastfeeding well or otherwise and so mothers must be very careful to check out on these signs as they will help in knowing the condition of their babies. For many babies they may develop some complications due to different kinds of breastfeeding and so mothers must therefore be careful to take care of their babies so as to avoid getting more health problems associated with breastfeeding. The health of the baby is very difficult to know and so controlling food intake means that it is the only sure way of keeping the baby free from infections.
Mothers may use the condition of diapers to know the amount of waste the baby is having and so they will use the following criteria;
No of diapers - The baby getting enough breast milk will always use about five diapers a day and so if there is huge deviation from this number then the baby must be checked for any other symptoms so that she can be fed well.
Minimum wetness - The diapers used by the baby must be wet to some expected extent because if it is extremely wet then the baby’s breast milk is not appropriate to the baby and also if the diaper is not wet or show minimal signs of wetness then the milk is not satisfactory to the baby.
Weight of the diaper - Feeling the wetness and the weight of the diaper will also assist in knowing whether the baby is getting enough milk from the mother.
More wetness in further months - Mothers must know that after those first months the baby will tend to make these diapers wet compared to earlier ages.
Color of the urine - The color of the urine usually captured by the fabric of the diaper will often tell whether the baby is getting enough milk because a well fed baby will have pale urine that do not stain the diaper so much. On the other hand if the baby is not getting enough milk then the urine will often have some black spots such signs showing low hydration levels.
Another item to be considered here is the stool of the baby, this stool must be able to come out easily without the baby straining a lot and feeling pain. Due to this then more milk must have been digested by the baby without any problem.
However, various issues to do with bowel movement must be understood by the mothers and they include the following;
Color of the stool - Mothers milk often change the color of stools for the baby and so these colors must be understood by the mothers so that they are able to tell whether enough milk is getting into the baby. The baby’s stool changes from black to green and finally brown. After getting the breast milk the stool of the baby will change into a yellowish color.
Two/three seedy stools - For those babies having enough milk intake in a day there will always have or rather produce two to three seedy stools which are yellow in color. Other babies may even produce stools at any time after feeding them and so mothers must not worry at all.
Reduction of stools after few months - After these first months the baby become mature and bowel movements reduce to even once in a day. These signs are common even when the baby is getting enough milk from the mother; other babies may go even for three days to four days in order to have such expected bowel movements and mothers must not be scared at all.
Mothers must also know that urine is used to tell the amount of milk taken by the baby while the stool is used to tell the quality of milk taken by the baby and so in providing conclusions care must be taken to use the right samples for the right output to be achieved. If the babies do not produce sufficient stools and urine then mothers’ breast must be examined so as to establish the problem and hence prevent the baby from getting any infection easily.
Further still the baby can be evaluated using the feeding process engaged in by the mother and hence know whether the baby is getting enough milk from the mother.
The following are the vital points regarding feeding;
Softer breasts - Mothers must know the behavior of their breasts before and
after feeding the baby. This is done because after feeding the baby the breasts must become softer compared to such signs before feeding the baby.
Ejection of milk immediately - Also during feeding, the breasts of the mother may eject milk immediately as the baby approach to suck and so mothers must be careful to know that their babies will increase the amounts of milk being swallowed, as the feeding progresses.
When baby feels content - The baby will show that she is getting enough milk when some drops of milk can be seen in the sides of the mouth as swallowing occurs during feeding. However, the baby must feel content in any time after feeding as this will also show that the baby is getting enough milk.
Good sleep - Most babies often suck heavily and after some time she drifts into deep sleep thus showing that enough milk is getting into the baby easily and that nice sleep which is healthy is good for the baby.
Weight gain - Weight gain is another measure used to evaluate whether the milk is enough for the baby because the baby’s body tissues are often growing in a drastic speed and so active response must be seen and felt by the mother. The weight of the baby must be monitored evenly so that the doctor will be able to know the amount of attention to be given to the growing baby. If the baby is not getting enough milk then the weight will not improve as expected and so healthcare must be the only resort so that further care and support may be provided.
Finally mothers must be able to feed their babies evenly in order to avoid starving their babies due to activities such as work. Mothers’ presence is very vital at those early ages of the baby.
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