Breastfeeding is a common problem faced by most of the moms after delivery. In this article our main focus is to discuss about 10 most common breastfeeding problems and their solutions.
Latching Pain
Sore nipple is the common problem faced by women after first delivery. In case of latched nipples, pain continues for longer hours. If you are also suffering from same problem then you should work on the position of the baby. Baby should cover most of the area below the nipple instead of top area through mouth. Take small breaks and keep your index finger inside the mouth of your baby. Only good positions can improve the latching pain of the nipples.
Even after correct position of the baby, you may suffer from latching pain. The reason for this problem may be dry nipples. You should wear loose clothes during breastfeeding. You should not wash nipples with soap. You can also apply some cream for reducing the breastfeeding problem.
Cracked Nipples
There may be various reasons for the cracked nipples. In the first week, you may suffer from bloody discharge problem. Our baby takes sometime in learning breast feeding techniques. Small blood is not bad for the health of your baby. For reducing the problem of cracked nipples, work at the position of the baby. Offer breastfeeding to your child after small interval. Hungry baby harms you more.
Medicines and cream are not good for the cracked nipples. It would be better to treat them with clean water only. Also apply some milk over the cracked nipples for healing them quickly. You can also use some pain killers or special creams prepared for treating cracked nipples.
Clogged Ducts
Clogged duct is also a common problem associated with soreness or redness. Main reason for plugged ducts may be infection. In this case, you should consult with doctor immediately. Long stretches during breastfeeding may be harmful for you. Your tight bra may be the reason for clogged ducts. You should wear loose clothes after delivery for maintain proper breastfeeding. Stress can also affect the milk quality during breastfeeding.
In this situation, you should take proper rest and try to reduce stress. Give a proper massage to your breast for stimulating the milk movement. It is really good that plugged ducts are not dangerous for the health of your baby. Breastfeeding is really an excellent experience for both mother and the child.
Bulk milk Supply
Try to make your breast softer for a good breastfeeding experience. Soft breast helps in easy access of the milk. You can also consult with doctor for treating this problem. A number of solutions are available for a great breastfeeding experience.
Mastitis is a serious infection in your breast due to fever or other problems. It can also be caused by high supply milk, skin infection or plugged ducts. There are several ways for treating Mastitis. Frequent emptying and antibiotics are the easy solution for treating Mastitis. Increase breastfeeding at frequent time intervals. This is the best solution for making your breast softer.
A yeast infection in the baby’s mouth causes thrush that spreads in your breast. Itching, soreness and rash are the common problems associated with thrush. In this situation, it is necessary to consult with doctor. You can also use antifungal for your baby and your breast. It would be better to get treatment for both at the same time. This increases the chances of improvement quickly.
Low Milk Supply
When you are concerned about health of the baby then it is necessary to
provide milk in a proper quantity. Insufficient supply of the milk can disturb the health of your baby. Low milk supply is a common problem noticed in women. In this situation, it is necessary to consult with some expert doctor. Frequent nursing can help in getting milk in a full quantity.
Some women consume extra fluids and calories for increasing the supply of the milk. But this is not the proper treatment for increasing milk supply. It would be better to opt for some exercise. You should also concentrate at your outfits. Tight bra can also prevent the adequate supply of the milk.
Baby falls asleep during breastfeeding
This problem becomes very common when your baby grows up to 3 or 4 years. If your baby falls asleep before completing breastfeeding then it can crate serious problem for you. It also affects the growth of your baby. In this case, you should offer frequent feeding to your child. Also switch to the other breast frequently. As soon as, you feel that baby is sucking slowly then remove him from the breast and move to other breast. In this way, he would be wake up for longer hours.
Sometimes babies are not interested in breastfeeding. But you should not lose your heart. Offer him your breast for several times. Try to feed him at least for one year. After one year, you can search other alternatives for your baby.
Flat or Inverted nipples
If you have flat or inverted nipples then situation can be critical for you. In this case, breastfeeding becomes a challenge for the mother. You can use pump or nipple shield for stimulating milk supply. If you are not sure about the treatment then don’t forget to consult with doctor. You can also suffer from low milk supply problem in the combination with flat or inverted nipples. You can also read articles from internet how to deal with the problem. Latching pain is also associated with flat nipples.
Painful breastfeeding experience
Breastfeeding is quite a different and new experience for the mother. Sometimes moms have to pass through a bad time during breastfeeding. Mother experience large pain during milk releasing. If you are also suffering from same problem then make a test for breast infection. High supply milk is also a bad and painful experience for the mother.
If you want to treat this problem properly, then it is necessary to find out the real cause of the problem. Different treatments are available for breast infection and high supply milk problem. In this way, you can deal with all breastfeeding problems effectively.