Once you have your baby, there is no time left for you and your mate. If you are a new dad then you will probably lost all track of time balancing work and baby. If you are a new mom then you will have to spend your entire day taking care of the baby. This way your relationship with your spouse will become secondary as the baby will be your first priority. That is why you have to be creative to take some special time out for both of you. All you need to do is to manage your time well.
Go on a date
Do you even remember when the last time you two went for a date was? Having a baby is the best feeling in the world but it also takes a lot away from you. However, going to a date with your spouse is not impossible after having a baby if you can plan everything right. First, book a table in the restaurant where you two went for your first date and try to make it a weekend day. Hire a babysitter for the night.
Date at home
If you find it absolutely impossible to go out for a date then you can always arrange a candle light dinner at home. Cook some dinner that your spouse loves and then sit together for a beautiful dinner time once you put down the baby to sleep.
Manage time
Spending time together doesn’t have to mean that you only spend time together at night. All you need to do is to use every free time to spend time with each other. Going for a lunch can be fruitful for you too. Whenever you get some time, invite your spouse to chat and have lunch.
Write little notes
Writing little notes for your spouse can be really romantic and touchy. Write something on the bathroom mirror, stick a note on the fridge or on the door and put little notes in the baby’s cabinet. These can really be very fruitful for your relationship with your spouse.
Go for a game
If two of you have a basketball team to support then buying tickets for a match can be a great idea. All you have to do is to hire a babysitter and then go for the game. You can then have meal out before returning to home. This can be a really exciting idea for you to spend quality time with your spouse.
Utilize weekends
The weekends are the times when you have an entire day free for two of you. When you two are not spending time with the baby, spend time with each other. Go for a movie and take little walks together.
Take care of the baby together
Taking care of the baby together can surely be a great time for both of you. Whenever both of you are free and your baby needs attention, go to the baby together and spend time together. This can be a great way to enjoy together.
Indoor games
Playing indoor games together can be another great idea for you and your spouse to spend some time together. There are many board games which you and your wife can play to have some fun.
Rent a movie
Renting a movie for weekend nights and watching together will surely bring you and your spouse together. A horror movie or a comedy movie can lead to great together times.