Pregnancy period changes many things in a woman's life. She gets very excited in the initial period of her pregnancy especially when she becomes pregnant for the first time. It is not only an excitement period for mother, but father is also equally excited and curious about his baby.
When your wife gets pregnant, your responsibilities increase in many ways. You should start helping your wife in her every work as far as possible. It is your duty to keep your pregnant wife healthy and happy. There are many ways by which you can keep her happy. Have a look at some of the activities you as a dad can do:
Prepare Bed Tea in the Morning
Before pregnancy, your wife prepared everything for you right from the morning tea, to your lunch box and dinner. Now that she is pregnant, it is your duty to care for your wife. During initial period of pregnancy she will suffer from morning sickness. Due to nausea and vomiting, she may not get up early in the morning. In such case you can help her by preparing morning tea. This will be a pleasant surprise for her as well.
Share her work
Given the fact that you are in a full-time job, sharing the household work might be a tough task. But if you make a little effort, things can be managed in a great way. Whenever you have some time in hand, help her out with the kitchen work like washing or chopping the veggies, cleaning the dishes etc. your small help can make a big difference to her and will even keep her happy.
Take her out for walk
You can take your wife outside for walking in garden or Public Park or some nearby place where you can find clean environment in the morning or in the evening. Your wife needs regular period. Therefore, if you take her out for walking it will beneficial for her health. Your company will give her pleasure in doing the exercise. If it is not possible to go with her daily, you can join her during your leisure time or on holidays.
Take your wife for outing
Taking your wife for outing is also one great way of making her happy. You can arrange couple picnic if you wish to have some romantic timetogether or you can make group picnic with your friends or relatives. It will change the mood of your wife and give her refreshment from her daily routine life.
Give light massage on her feet
Due to increasing weight during pregnancy, your wife is likely to suffer from pain in her feet and also back pain. If you give light massage on her feet it will give her relief and relaxation. It will increase your wife’s love and respect towards you.
Read out Books to her
You can bring good books for your wife regarding pregnancy and baby care. You can also read books and guide her to follow important instructions. You can also learn some good tips on baby care through these books, which will help you in bonding with your baby.
Bring Surprise Gift
You can bring some surprise gifts for your wife. It is not essential to bring expensive gift for her. You can bring any small gift or you can bring lovely flowers to express your love. You can bring movie tickets or arrange candle light dinner.
Give her adequate rest
During pregnancy period many women get tired after doing even a small work or cooking. In this case, you should understand her problem and let her sleep whenever she feels like that. Help her take enough rest during this period.
While being pregnant, every woman wishes for her husband to spend maximum time with her. All she needs during this phase is your love and support. Just be by her side and dedicate yourself in giving happiness to her.