In the initial stage of pregnancy, every woman gets excited about the baby. In case of first pregnancy woman get more excited. As time passes, she starts getting problems such as morning sickness, back pain or abdominal pain, food aversion and many more.
These problems stay during the first trimester. As the pregnancy progresses, woman becomes impatient and restless. Often this affects her mind and body. The mood swings also take a toll on her health. Therefore, it is very essential that a pregnant lady is engaged in some fun activities that can help her stay refresh.
Here check out some of the fun activities that will help you stay relaxed and refresh throughout the pregnancy period.
Shopping is indeed one of the favorite activities of women. You can change your mood by doing shopping once or twice in a week depending upon your budget. It is not necessary to buy something every time you visit a shopping mall. Engaging in some window shopping occasionally does no harm. Instead it saves your money!
Photo Session
If you are fond of photography or love to get clicked, why not utilize the pregnancy phase to indulge in this activity. Prepare album or scrapbook covering your monthly progress of pregnancy. You can take photographs when you go outside with your partner or friends. Try to write some comments or note expressing your feeling. Write some good captions. You can also make it interesting by pasting some good relevant pictures from newspaper cutting or magazines. Thus, you can make your pregnancy period most memorable.
Experiment with your look
Some women get demoralized because of their pregnancy look. The excess weight gain, bulged out tummy and disfigured body often makes one feel bad. But all this is temporary and soon you will be able to get back to your old self. Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to quit everything aside and live shabbily. Visit a beauty spa, get all the beauty treatment you need, dress up in some of the nicest of apparels complementing your skin during pregnancy. Changing the hairstyle is also one interesting way of experimenting with your look.
Try New Recipes
Learn some new recipes from cookery shows or recipe books. Try some healthy recipes that can give you good taste as well as healthy nutrients. Try some different soups, salad or fusion which can be made easily. You can even give surprise to your partner by serving something new.
Read Books
You can use your spare good time in reading good books and articles. Read books regarding baby care, health care during pregnancy, healthy diet etc. The information will help you in nurturing the baby post delivery.
Arrange small trip or picnic
You can arrange small trip or a one day picnic to any nearby place. Take advice of your doctor before traveling. Don’t forget to take your medicines along, if you plan to go outstation. Traveling relieves you from stress and keeps your mind fresh.
Exercise, Yoga, Meditation
You can make a schedule to do exercises you like or go for a walk in nearby park or garden. It will make you feel fresh. Walking is the best exercise in pregnancy. You can also join some yoga or meditation class or do it at home.
Prepare list of Baby Names
You should start finding good baby names related to both baby girl and baby boy. Try to find some short names with good meaning. It will be helpful in deciding on the name of your baby after birth. You can find top baby names from internet. There are many online websites from where you can search name for your baby.
Take good sleep
This is the time when you can take good sleep. After birth of your baby, you will not get any chance to sleep well. Therefore, sleep whenever it is possible for you and take great care during pregnancy.
Pregnancy is the period that makes you experience different emotions at different stages. Sometimes you feel happy, while at times you feel depressed and annoyed. However, if you make it a point to indulge in one or two fun activities as mentioned above, you can surely enjoy the period to the fullest.