One of the most critical aspects in the process of generation of life is sperm, which is the male reproductive cell. Sperm donation is the actually the process of third party reproduction. The sperms donated by an individual donor are introduced into the body of the female client for conceiving.
Though sperm donation is basically a simple procedure there are certain risks associated with this directly and indirectly. There are many physical, psychological or legal obstacles which can be faced by the donor, the recipient and even the child born out of sperm donation-
Though the normal information about the donor may be verified other related information regarding the donor’s family history, educational background may not be true.
Sperm supplied may not be compatible with the recipient’s body.
Unviable sperm-the sperm when used may not be active.
Child born may face health problems and lack immunity
Chances of transmission of infections and diseases to both the recipient and the child.
It may happen that up to a certain limit and time span there may arise some health issues for the donor and may also lead to infertility though chances are very rare.