If any couple is unable to have a child even after unprotected sexual intercourse, that means they are suffering from the problem of infertility. To become parents both the partners need to be healthy and normal. There’s a great contribution of the male partner, in the planning of conception.
Traditionally, women are blamed for unable to conceive and the analysis begins and ends with assessment of the wife only. Men stay away form undergoing the tests as they are unable to differentiate between infertility and impotence. Infertile men are normal and potent; they also have satisfactory sexual intercourse with their spouse or partners.
Infertility may be caused due to Varicocele, infections like small pox, mumps, viral infections, TB, leprosy, prostatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, injury, cryptorchidism, previous surgery, Ejaculatory disturbance, spinal cord lesion, genetic disorders and sexual dysfunctions. Treatment of male infertility includes medication to improve seminal quality, surgical treatment to remove the obstruction in the way of sperm conduction and assisted reproduction to develop the quality of the semen and assist in the dispersion of sperms into the ovum. Even if the couples are unable to beget a child after the treatments, then they
should go for donor insemination or adoption. Therefore, treating male infertility is quite frustrating.