Childless couples or even single parents take help of surrogate pregnancy to deal with infertility issues and any other complications in having children. Surrogacy involves a certain amount of risk; usually the surrogacy protocol is determined based on the age of the surrogate mother. There is usually 2 protocols- Antagon protocol and Long protocol; which a doctor follows based on the results of the medical test and age of the woman. The menstrual cycle of the surrogate mother is the key determining factor for the execution of the process of surrogacy.
The two day protocol or the antagon protocol is where the woman is under dosses of contraceptives from the previous month and is injected with the gonadotropin injection during the menstrual cycle. As and when the follicle is about 14mm the antagon injection is used to stop the flow of hormones. The long protocol is for twenty one days where the first medication starts from the twenty first day of the periods previously and then the gonadotropin injection is used when the follicle is 18mm. Progesterone pills are taken by the surrogate mother and on the twelveth day the egg is made to met with the semen collected from the genetic father.